From Neglecting to Including Cultivar-Specific Per Se Temperature Responses: Extending the Concept of Thermal Time in Field Crops (2024)

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Lukas Roth( From Neglecting to Including Cultivar-Specific Per Se Temperature Responses: Extending the Concept of Thermal Time in Field Crops (1) ),Martina Binder,Norbert Kirchgessner,Flavian Tschurr,Steven Yates,Andreas Hund,Lukas Kronenberg,,Achim Walter


Predicting plant development, a longstanding goal in plant physiology, involves 2 interwoven components: continuous growth and the progression of growth stages (phenology). Current models for winter wheat and soybean assume species-level growth responses to temperature. We challenge this assumption, suggesting that cultivar-specific temperature responses substantially affect phenology. To investigate, we collected field-based growth and phenology data in winter wheat and soybean over multiple years. We used diverse models, from linear to neural networks, to assess growth responses to temperature at various trait and covariate levels. Cultivar-specific nonlinear models best explained phenology-related cultivar–environment interactions. With cultivar-specific models, additional relations to other stressors than temperature were found. The availability of the presented field phenotyping tools allows incorporating cultivar-specific temperature response functions in future plant physiology studies, which will deepen our understanding of key factors that influence plant development. Consequently, this work has implications for crop breeding and cultivation under adverse climatic conditions.



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From Neglecting to Including Cultivar-Specific Per Se Temperature Responses: Extending the Concept of Thermal Time in Field Crops (2024)


What is the ability of a plant to withstand the minimum temperature of an area? ›

A plant's hardiness determines its ability to withstand the average minimum temperature of a region without damage or death. Although winter hardiness is genetically determined, it is influenced by the duration of cool temperatures. Cool temperatures acclimate plants and prepare them for winter dormancy.

What causes temperatures to vary from region to region and time to time? ›

The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such as latitude, elevation and the presence of ocean currents.

How do plants respond to low temperatures? ›

Plants respond by increasing the proportion of saturated fatty acids in the membranes to improve heat resistance and prevent membrane fluidization. During cold stress, the low temperature causes the lipid bilayer to become more rigid, decreasing permeability.

How does temperature affect the ability of a plant to support life? ›

Temperature influences most plant processes, including photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, germination and flowering. As temperature increases (up to a point), photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration increase.

What is the ability of a plant to withstand cold temperatures? ›

Hardiness of plants describes their ability to survive adverse growing conditions. It is usually limited to discussions of climatic adversity. Thus a plant's ability to tolerate cold, heat, drought, flooding, or wind are typically considered measurements of hardiness.

What is the ability of a plant to withstand low temperatures? ›

Freezing tolerance describes the ability of plants to withstand subzero temperatures through the formation of ice crystals in the xylem and intercellular space, or apoplast, of their cells.

What is the ability to withstand temperature? ›

Heat tolerance is the ability of a person to physiologically adjust to a heat stress exposure. About 4% of the population can be described as heat intolerant; that is they do not thermoregulate well enough to work under most conditions of heat stress (Wyndham et al., 1972).

What is the minimum temperature for plants? ›

Most houseplants are tropicals and prefer temperatures between 65-75°F during the day and about 10 degrees cooler at night. For many plants, temperatures below 50°F can cause problems.

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