Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)

Results 61 to 90 of 102:

VLIV INTENZITY HNOJENÍ A VYUŽITÍ NA DRUHOVOU DIVERZITU A KVALITU TRAVNÍHO POROSTUJiří Skládanka, František Hrabě, Pavel HegerActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 131-138|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020131

The objective of the paper is to assess the species composition of grass stands used under regime of two and three cuts, the grassland species diversity and the grassland quality at different levels of nutrition. The experimental site is situated in the Bohemian-Moravian Upland at an altitude of 650 m a.s.l. The subjects of assessment are two-cut and three-cut grass stands with diverse intensities of nutrition: unfertilized, 30 kg ha-1 P and 60 kg ha-1 K fertilized, fertilized with 90 kg ha-1 N+PK, and fertilized with 180 kg ha-1 N+PK. Studied characteristics were as follows: share of dominant species in the harvested herbage, species diversity of the grass stand and grass stand quality. Evaluated were years 2002-2006. The two-cut use promoted development of Dactylis glomerata. The three-cut use promoted development of Poa ssp. The share of Alopecurus pratensis was equable in the two-cut and three-cut grass stands. The dose of N90+PK promoted Dactylis glomerata and was insufficient to increase the share of Alopecurus pratensis and Poa ssp. Fertilization resulted in the decreased share of most present herbs but development of Polygonum bistorta was promoted, namely by the dose of N90+PK. In contrast, the application of PK promoted Trifolium repens. Fertilization had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on the share of individual species in the grassland. Three-cut grass stands exhibited a higher diversity than two-cut grass stands did. Fertilization had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on the decreased species diversity and on the increased grassland quality.

VLIV ZPŮSOBU A DÉLKY SKLADOVÁNÍ NA VLHKOST A SENZORICKOU JAKOST TRVANLIVÝCH SALÁMŮHana Šulcerová, Jiří Štencl, A. ŠulcováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 183-196|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040183

Heat-treated salamis "Vysočina" were produced with standard way in a meat factory; their diameter was 55 mm. Samples were stored under laboratory conditions at different temperatures: 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C and sensory analysed every week during one month storage. The dry matter (d.m.) was measured, too. Descriptors of general appearance, sausage casing, texture, cut surface, dry edge, smell, taste, and salty were monitored. Biggest changes were in descriptors general appearance and sausage casing (P < 0.001) and also in dry edge (P < 0.010) during the month period. Germs of moulds were found only at 5 and 10 °C. Rapid increase of d.m. in samples was noticeable in the first week of the storage time. It was 3 % d.m. at 5 °C and 11 % d.m. at 25 °C. Increase of d.m. of salamis continues slowly in the next three weeks period; the total difference was about 10 % d.m. in the temperature range measured. Decrease of d.m. at 5 °C was noticed in the last week of the measurement. The difference was 3.5 % d.m. This change means that the equilibrium moisture content of the samples of salamis has been reached at the temperature 5 °C. The best sensorial quality of salamis "Vysočina" was in the storage temperature ranged from 15 to 20 °C.

Vliv redukčních a oxidačních činidel na reologii pšeničného těstaPavlína Pečivová, Vladimír Pavlínek, Jan Hrabě, Stanislav KráčmarActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 163-170|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050163

The effects of a reducing agent (L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate), oxidising agents (inactivated dry yeast, L-tyrosine) and other two amino acids (L-threonine and L-tryptophan) on the rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough and its quality were studied. The addition of oxidising agents increases the values such as tenacity and decreases extensibility which were measured on the alveograph. From the consistograph values, weakening of the dough also decreases. While reducing agents increase the extensibility and weakening of the dough, they decrease its deformation energy. The addition of L-tryptophan caused a higher increase in tenacity of the dough but on the other hand a larger decrease in extensibility and deformation energy. L-tryptophan caused better stability of the dough. L-treonine was found to be an oxidising agent. The dough with L-threonine weakened rapidly and therefore fast preparation of the dough is necessary. It means that the time of mixing and dough proofing must be reduced.

Vliv počtu somatických buněk na SLOŽENÍ A VLASTNOSTI ovčího mléka A NA JAKOST SÝŘENINYLenka Novotná, Jan Kuchtík, Igor Dobeš, Květoslava Šustová, Pavlína ZajícováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(2), 59-64|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755020059

The evaluation of the effect of somatic cells count on ewe's milk composition, its properties and on the quality of rennet curd was carried using milk samples obtained from a total 10 ewes F112 crossbreeds of Lacaune (L), East Friesian (EF) and Improved Wallachian (IW), reared on a ecological sheep farm in Valašská Bystřice. All ewes were on the 1st lactation, in good nutritive condition and clinically healthy. The sampling was carried on 47th, 81st, 123rd, 152nd and 189th day of lactation. The analysis involved a total of 50 milk samples, which were categorized into 5 different SCC groups: 1st group (≤ 10 000 SC/ml), 2nd group (11 000-50 000 SC/ml), 3rd group (51 000-100 000 SC/ml), 4th group (101 000-200 000 SC/ml), 5th group (≥ 201 000 SC/ml). Milk composition and milk properties were determined by standard methods. For the evaluation of the quality of rennet curd (class quality) was used following scale: 1st class - very good and hard curd, 2nd class - good curd, 3rd class - bad curd, 4th class - very bad curd, 5th class - no or invisible flocculation of casein. Recorded data were statistically analyzed using the classical least squares method (SAS; PROC GLM variant ss4). The SCC had a significant effect on all components of milk under study. The lowest contents of total solids (TS), fat (F), solids non-fat (SNF), protein (P) and casein (CN) were found in the group with the highest SCC (5th group). On the other hand, the highest contents of all above-mentioned milk components were found in the group with the lowest SCC. The significantly lowest content of lactose (4.42 %) was found in the group with the lowest SCC. The SCC had also significant effect on pH and titrable acidity. However on the other hand SCC had not a significant effect on rennetability and rennet curd quality (RCQ). The highest value of pH was found in the 5th group (the highest SCC). Titrable acidity has decreased from 10.10 °SH to 8.66 °SH depending on growth of SCC. The longest rennetability (257 s) was found in the group with the highest SCC. The best RCQ (class: 1.90) was found in the group where SCC per1 ml of milk ranged from 51 000 to 100 000. On the other hand the worst RCQ (class: 2.28) was found in the group with the lowest SCC.

POROVNÁNÍ ZÁKLADNÍCH TĚLESNÝCH MĚR ACHALTEKINSKÝCH KONÍ CHOVANÝCH V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE, RUSKU A KAZACHSTÁNUMichaela Prausová, Iva Jiskrová, Eva Sobotková, Libor MajvelderActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 181-186|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050181

Our research object was to record and to measure as much as possible Akhalteke horses, which are bred in Czech Republic, Russia and Kazakhstan. We measured and recorded 3 basic body measures - Height at withers, chest girth and girth of cannon. The only condition we have was the age of horses determined on to 3.5 years and older. At the end we recorded 260 horses. We divided the values to the groups according to state, sex and age cathegory. We use the GLM method and Tukey-B test to evaluate the results. The results of the analyse of the Height at withers (HW) shew the statistically conclusively lower values of Czech horses than in horses from Russia and Kazakhstan. The average of the HW of Czech Akhalteke horses is 154.0385cm, in comparison with Russia 157.94 cm and Kazakhstanu 156.53 cm. Next we found the statistically conclusive differencies of the values of the Girth of Chest (GCh) between Akhalteke horses from Russia (179.65 cm), Czech Akhalteke horses (177.08 cm) and horses from Kazakhstan (174.82 cm). Also the Akhalteke mares (180.06 cm) had the statistically conclusivelly higher the GCh than stallions (176.58 cm).

VLIV PROSTŘEDÍ NA VÝNOS A OBSAH SILICE KMÍNU KOŘENNÉHO (CARUM CARVI L.)Jaroslav Králík, Miroslav Jůzl, Blanka KocourkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(5), 83-94|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755050083

The work deals with the possibility of improvement of qualitative and quantitative parameters of caraway (Carum carvi L.). The yield of the achenes is not satisfactory during last years and qualitative demands are clarify in correspondence to the market. The possibilities of this variation can be found in growing technology and in variety spectrum. The influence of weather is inconsiderable. Therefore, the experiments with three varieties were found (PROCHAN, KEPRON and REKORD). They were cultivated in cover crop and as pure growth on three sites. The yield components were evaluated in all variants: the yield of the achenes from m2, HTS (the weight of thousand seeds in g), the essential oil content in % and essential oil yield in kg.ha-1. On the basis of the results from the experiments we can make following conclusions. The highest yield was recorded in Šumperk site with cover crop. The varieties did not affect the yield. HTS was different on the sites, the highest HTS had the achenes from Telč. The differences were determined between vegetative periods. Also the essential oil content, similarly as the HTS, was influenced by the vegetative period and by the site. The essential oil yield corresponded with the essential oil content and with the yield of the achenes. The vegetative period almost always affected yield and the quality of caraway fundamentally. There were no differences among the varieties for all studied traits.

Vliv porušení chladírenského řetězce na mikrobiologickou kvalitu pasterovaného mlékaPavla Sládková, Květoslava Šustová, Radka BurdychováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(2), 71-76|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755020071

The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the changes of the microbiological quality of milk during storage. Fresh pasteurized milk was used for the laboratory experimentations. Cooling chain of the samples was broken for 8 and for 12 hours at different temperatures (22-30 °C). In these samples, total count of psychrotrophic microorganisms was assessed.
Technological indiscipline, i. e. higher storage temperature (24 °C and more), was associated with higher increase of total count of microorganisms and psychrotrophic microorganisms. Microbiological results proved that the samples stored under standard conditions were of very good quality. However, in fresh pasteurized milk the representation of total count of microorganisms and psychrotrophic microorganisms meets fully the norm requirements. It is necessary respect a sustentation of a lower temperature of fresh pasteurized milk during storage, especially in summer months.

SLOŽENÍ A TECHNOLOGICKÉ VLASTNOSTI MLÉKA ZÍSKANÉHO Z RANNÍHO A VEČERNÍHO DOJENÍMartin Skýpala, Gustav ChládekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 187-198|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050187

Milk yield varies during lactation, following what is termed a lactation curve. ŽIŽLAVSKÝ and MIKŠÍK (1988) recorded changes in milk yield within a day, too. TEPLÝ et al. (1979) a KOUŘIMSKÁ et al. (2007) published variation within a day ± 1.10 kg in milk yield, ± 0.75 % in milk fat content and ± 0.20 % in milk protein content. Milk yield of cows can be expressed in many different ways, for instance, in kilograms per lactation or in kilograms per day. A practical parameter describing milk production is milk yield (kg) per milking.
The object of experiment were 12 cows of Holstein cattle on the first lactation from the 100-day of lactation to 200-day of lactation. The samples of milk were collected from January to May 2007, once a month from the morning and evening milking (milking interval 12 h ± 15 min.). The following parameters were monitored: milk production - milk yield (kg), milk protein production (kg), milk fat production (kg); milk composition - milk protein content (%), milk fat content (%), lactose content (%), milk solids-not-fat content (%), milk total solids content (%); technological properties of milk - titratable acidity (SH), active acidity (pH), rennet coagulation time (s), quality of curd (class) and somatic cell count as a parameter of udder health.
Highly significant differences were found (P < 0.01) between morning milk yield (15.7 kg) and evening milk yield (13.8 kg), between morning milk protein production (0.51 kg) and evening milk protein production (0.45 kg) and between evening milk fat content (4.41 %) and morning milk fat content (3.95 %). A significant difference (P < 0.05) was found between morning milk total solids content (12.62 %) and evening milk total solids content (12.07 %). No significant differences were found between morning (M) and evening (E) values of the remaining parameters: milk fat production (M 0.62 kg; E 0.60 kg), milk protein content (M 3.24 %; E 3.27 %), milk lactose content (M 4.78 %; E 4.86 %), milk solids-not-fat content (M 7.69 %; E 7.71 %), somatic cell count (M 80 000/1 mL; E 101 000/1 mL), titratable acidity (M 7.75 SH; E 7.64 SH), active acidity (M pH 6.58; E pH 6.61), rennet coagulation time (M 189 s.; E 191 s.), quality of curd (M 1.60 class; E 1.57 class).

Potenciál tvrdosti zrna ječmene (Hordeum vulgare L.) jako selekčního znaku v procesu šlechtěníKarel Vejražka, Vratislav Psota, Jaroslava Ehrenbergerová, Natálie Březinová Belcredi, Radim CerkalActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(2), 99-104|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755020099

The study presents the results of research on the use of barley caryopses hardness for prediction of the malting quality. Grain hardness was determined by three methods: Particle size index (PSI), hardness according to Brabender (BRA) and grain milling energy (GME). The correlations among methods for determining the kernel hardness were estimated as well among selected technological traits of barley and malt and kernel hardness. Significant correlations were found among PSI values and Final attenuation of laboratory wort from malt (0.73*) a Glycidic extract (0.70*). Values of kernel hardness measured by BRA significantly correlated with Final attenuation of laboratory wort from malt (-0.80*) and Soluble nitrogen of malt (0.64*). Grain milling energy values were statistically significant correlated with Nitrogen content in malt (0.64*). The preliminary results confirmed the possibility to use kernel hardness for prediction of some malting quality traits. Further studies will be done on larger number of samples.

Vliv použítí polovlhké krmné směsi na převod rychleného plůdku candáta obecného (Sander lucioperca) do podmínek intenzivního chovuVít Baránek, Jan Mareš, Jiří Jirásek, Miroslav Prokeš, Petr SpurnýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(1), 17-24|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755010017

Conversion success of pond-reared zander (Sander lucioperca) fry was evaluated using three different converting methods: direct conversion to dry feed (Bio-Optimal Start 0.8 mm; variant A), three-day application of semimoist feeding mixture on the base of fish (variant B) and three-day application of semimoist mixture + three-day co-feeding of semimoist mixture and dry feed (variant C). Two replicates per treatment were applied. These three methods were evaluated regarding specific growth rate (SGR), condition coefficient (K), survival and cannibalism. Mean initial total length (TL) of fish was 35.22 ± 2.15 mm and mean individual weight (w) was 0.31 ± 0.05 g. There were 600 individuals in each circular tank. The initial stock density was 2 fish.l-1. Fish survival during a 14-day period of rearing ranged from 34.33 % (variant C) to 50.33 % (variant A). Significantly (P < 0.05) better conversion performance was achieved with variants A and B than with the variant C regarding all parameters.

PŘEKONÁNÍ DLOUHÉ DORMANCE OSIVA DRUHU CORNUS MAS L.Vojtěch ŘezníčekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(4), 43-52|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755040043

The present study was focused on breaking the long dormancy of harvested and treated seed of the Cornelian cherry. We used stratification, which accelerates ripening, enables rapid termination of dormancy and removes all obstacles to germination. The seeds were obtained from three localities (Tišnov, Lednice, Žabčice). Prior to stratification the seeds were soaked in water for 24 hours and then three stages of treatment were applied; 1st control stage - cold stratification, 2nd warm-cold stage - five-phase stratification and 3rd stage - treatment with auxinoids. In stages 1 and 2 after stratification the seeds were sown in spring; in the 3rd stage seeds were sown once again in autumn. In the 1st control stage the seeds did not germinate. In the 2nd stage after warm-cold stratification 14.13% plants of the Tišnovský 1 ecotype emerged; while only 6.33% plants of the Tišnovský 3 ecotype. In the 3rd stage, after auxinoid treatment and autumn sowing, 13.26% and 10.13% plants of Lednický 1 and Lednický 2, respectively, emerged. In the 1st control stage 3.86 % of the Jaltský variety and 2.80 % of Elegantní emerged. In the 2nd stage after treatment applying warm-cold stratification the varieties achieved various degrees of emergence; Botanický 5.66 %, Elegantní 5.40 % and Fruchtal 5.26 %. The highest proportion of germinating plants was seen in the 3rd stage in the Jaltský variety, i.e. 16.74 %, while the emergence of the varieties Fruchtal and Vydubecký was lower, i.e. 14.25 % and 12.20 %, respectively. In the 2nd year after a lapse of one year of dormancy the germinating capacity ranged between 62.30 and 76.28 %.
Evaluations of the growth parameters of the seedlings were focused on the height of the plants and diameter of the root collar. The height of the seedlings ranged between 0.31 and 0.38 m and the diameter of the root collar between 4.12 and 4.40 mm. The weight of the stones of the ecotypes was considerably lower and ranged between 0.19 and 0.25 g. On the other hand the weight of seeds of the varieties was higher and ranged between 0.36 and 0.60 g. The difference was statistically highly significant. The weight of the seeds, their origin as well as the methods of treatment all affect the number of harvested plants in the first year after sowing. Seed treatment in the 2nd and 3rd variants resulted in a higher number of germinated plants than when conventional cold stratification was applied.

SPOKOJENOST ZÁKAZNÍKA DOPRAVNÍCH SPOLEČNOSTÍKateřina Ryglová, Šárka StojarováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(6), 141-148|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755060141

The paper deals with problems concerning customers' satisfaction. It summarizes results of primary research focused on an analysis of fundamental factors, which shape clients' preferences, influence the level of satisfaction of transportation companies' customers in general and in transportation companies under study in particular. Altogether 49 % of respondents mentioned that the type of transportation means was the most important factor that influenced their satisfaction. As other significant factors influencing the satisfaction of respondents the following were mentioned: prices of transportation, quality of services during the transportation, respecting regular pauses during transportation, and the possibility of refreshments during the transportation. All companies that were addressed monitored the level of satisfaction of their customers (nearly 20 % did this every month). Each company that monitored satisfaction of its customers every year also developed a marketing plan of their activities. The paper also contains detailed results of conducted inquiries as well as the relevant discussion.

ADAPTABILITA VÝNOSU A MLYNÁŘSKÉ KVALITY ZRNA VYBRANÝCH ODRŮD PŠENICE OZIMÉViera Šottníková, Luděk HřivnaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(4), 99-110|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654040099

Within the project of small-plot field trials we cultivated 10 varieties of winter wheat in 5 different trial stations of the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture in years 2001-2002. The yields achieved were assessed and the miller's quality of the grain was defined. Wheat variety Contra reached the highest yields (10.226 t.ha-1) and Niagara wheat variety reached the lowest yields (8.516 t.ha-1) where the yields were conclusively lower (LSD, 95%) compared with the group C varieties. Apache and Ebi varieties achieved the most stable yields; the least plastic variety was Banquet. We marked high variability of volume capacity (682-840 g.1-1). The highest average volume capacity was proved by Niagara variety (802 g.1-1) while the lowest was provided by Windsor (736.9 g.1-1). The elite group wheat varieties (E) and the quality varieties (Niagara, Samanta) proved conclusively higher volume capacity than the group C varieties. The highest TGW, in comparison with the rest of varieties, was achieved by Niagara variety and the lowest TGW proved by Contra. The high proportion of grains on 2,5 mm sieve corresponded with TGW. In average, the highest proportion of grains on 2,5 mm sieve was achieved by Niagara variety (95.21%), the lowest by Contra. Higher TGW value achieved in 2001, in comparison with 2002, positively influenced the yield of flour. The highest yield were reached by the A class flour in 2001 and the elite wheat (E) in the following year. The highest content of ashes in flour T550 was found at Windsor variety (0.61%) contrary to the most positively evaluated Samanta (0.55%).

Vliv termínu využití na produkci biomasy, stravitelnost organické hmoty a obsah ergosterolu u polopřirozeného travního porostu na podzim a v ziměJiří SkládankaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(4), 69-76|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755040069

The biomass of dry matter (DM) and forage quality of a grass pasture in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Czech Republic), situated at an altitude of 553 m a.s.l., was measured in late autumn and in winter in the period from 2000 to 2003. The semi-natural grass pasture was dominated by Festuca rubra, Taraxacum officinale, Elytrigia repens, Dactylis glomerata, Trisetum flavescens, Poa spp., Agrostis tenuis and Phleum pratense. Biomass production and forage quality were measured in November, December and January after one preparatory cut in June or two preparatory cuts in June and July, and in June and August. Biomass of DM decreased from November to January and ranged, depending on the year and the number of preparatory cuts, from 0.37-3.13 t ha-1 in November to 0.15-1.36 t ha-1 in January. The biomass of DM decreased the later the preparatory cut. Organic matter digestibility decreased from November to January, ranging from 0.448-0.606 in November to 0.352-0.578 in January. A delayed preparatory cut resulted in an increased digestibility. Ergosterol concentration increased with the progressing autumn and winter, ranging from 40-111 mg kg-1 DM in November to 110-265 mg kg-1 DM in January. Lower ergosterol concentrations were observed after a late preparatory cut. The results were statistically analysed by ANOVA and Tukey HSD test. The length of the main use was observed to have a significant effect on biomass of DM, digestibility of organic matter and ergosterol concentration (P < 0.05) in all three years of the investigation.

Vliv redukce listové plochy na výnos a kvalitu cukrovky (Beta vulgaris L. var. altissima Döll)Radim Cerkal, Jan Dvořák, Karel Vejražka, Jiří KamlerActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(5), 37-44|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755050037

The yield of sugar beet is directly affected by LAI (leaf area index) and values of LAD (leaf area duration). The integral leaf area plays, except for other factors, an important role during the damage or reduction of leaf apparatus. There are many sources of leaf damage: natural disasters (hailstorm), diseases, pests (including game browsing) etc. The intensity of the root production and quality differs in relation to the growth stage of the damage plant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of losses in the root yield and the quality of sugar beet upon gradual reduction of the leaf area. Two diploid varieties Monza and Compact were used in the small-plot trials conducted in years 2004 to 2006 (in the experimental station Žabčice - maize production region, zone K2, average altitude 184 m, soil type was classified as gley fluvisoil, soil is medium heavy to heavy, clay-loam to loam type). The leaf area was manually reduced by 25% and 50% at BBCH 18-19 growth phase (8-9 leaves unfolded). The results were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance and testing by Tukey test (at the significance level α = 5%). Reduction of the leaf area was reflected on the decrease of the root yield by 1 to 10% depending on the year of harvest. In addition, the stressful state of the plants after defoliation resulted in the decrease of the yield of polarization sugar per hectare, namely by 0.45 to 1.66 t.ha-1. In 2005, the leaf area reduction caused a rise of the α-amino nitrogen content. The rise in the potassium and sodium cations content caused by the leaf area reduction also increased the sugar content in the treacle (by 0.1 to 0.16%). The increasing leaf area reduction lead to decreasing of yield of polarization sugar. However, this descent was statistically significant in harvest year 2006 only.

PŘESNOST DIGITÁLNÍHO MODELU TERÉNU A JEHO VYUŽITÍ V LESNICTVÍMartin KlimánekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(4), 137-144|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755040137

Digital terrain model (DTM) is considered as an important geospatial data layer. At the present in the Czech Republic, digital contour data sources are often used for constructing regular raster DTM; the initial process requires interpolation between the points in order to estimate values in a regular grid pattern. The commonly used data sources are: the Primary Geographic Data Base (ZABAGED), the Digital Territory Model (DMÚ25) and eventually the Regional Plans of Forest Development (OPRL). In this paper, some constructions of DTM based on the above mentioned data were tested using several software products. Algorithm parameters can be optimized in several ways; in this sense the most useful operations proved comparing the first and second derivative of DTM and its real appearance in terrain and using cross-validation procedure or terrain data measurements to compute and minimize the root mean square error values (RMSE). The Forest Training Enterprise "Masaryk Forest" was the area for the experimental optimization of DTM.

VLIV PŘÍDAVKU SORBENTŮ NA KVALITU SILÁŽÍ Z PIVOVARSKÉHO MLÁTAPetr Doležal, Ladislav Zeman, Jan Doležal, Václav Pyrochta, Petr Mareš, František LádActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(1), 15-22|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654010015

In the experiment was the effect of absorbens supplementation on the fermentation quality of brewers' grains silage by comparing with the untreated control. As effective substance of experimental groups were barleygroats and malt sprouts. The addition of malt sprouts "B" and barleygroats "C" in our experiment conditions increased statistically significantly (P

VALIDACE METOD PRO STANOVENÍ OBSAHU VOLNÉ VODY V DRŮBEŽÍM MASEJarmila Žítková, Jana SimeonovováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(2), 105-118|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755020105

Methods for determination of free water content in poultry meat are described in Commission Regulation EEC No 1538/91 as amended and in ČSN 57 3100. Two of them (method A and D) have been validated in conditions of a Czech poultry processing plant. The capacity of slaughtering was 6000 pieces per hour and carcasses were chilled by air with spraying. All determinations were carried out in the plant's lab and in the lab of the Institute of Food Technology. Method A was used to detect the amount of water lost from frozen chicken during thawing in controlled conditions. Twenty carcasses from six weight groups (900 g-1400 g) were tested. The average values of thaw loss water contents ranged between 0.46% and 1.71%, the average value of total 120 samples was 1.16%. The results were compared with the required maximum limit value of 3.3%. The water loss content was in negative correlation with the weight of chicken (r = -0.56). Method D (chemical test) has been applied to determine the total water content of certain poultry cuts. It involved the determination of water and protein contents of 62 representative samples in total. The average values of ratio of water weight to proteins weight WA/RPA were in breast fillets 3.29, in legs with a portion of the back 4.06, legs 4.00, thighs 3.85 and drumsticks 4.10. The results corresponded to the required limit values for breast fillets 3.40 and for leg cuts 4.15. The ratio of water weight to proteins weight WA/RPA was correlated with the weight of chicken for breast fillets negatively (r = -0.61) and for leg cuts positively (r = 0.70). Different correlations can be explained by the distribution of water, protein and fat in carcasses. The evaluation of methods in the parameter of percentage ratio of the average value to the limit showed that method D (results were at the level of 97% of the limit) was more exact than method A (results were at the level 32% of the limit) but it is more expensive. Both methods were tested with the same technological equipment and at the same time. As far as the validation is concerned, it can be concluded that no substantial modification of methods is necessary.

TEORETICKÁ VÝCHODISKA PRO AUDIT SPOKOJENOSTI ZÁKAZNÍKA V OBLASTI SLUŽEBKateřina RyglováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(6), 159-170|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654060159

The main goal of this paper was to create theoretical basis and find starting points for the audit of customer satisfaction on the service market. It focuses mainly on contemporary existing approaches to customer satisfaction quantification especially through indexes. The gained results will become the starting point for creating the consistent audit of customer satisfaction methodology on tourism service market applicable in the Czech environment. One part of the paper shows brief results of the performed tentative research that aimed for finding present awareness about the audit of customer satisfaction and about the frequency of its use by firms in the Czech Republic.

Hybridizace švestky domácí a meruňky purpurové (Prunus domestica L. x Armeniaca dasycarpa Ehrh.)Igor Vasilevich Soldatov, Petr SalašActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(5), 147-154|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755050147

Within the framework of hybridization of domestic prunes and black apricots (Prunus domestica L. x Armeniaca dasycarpa Ehrh.) altogether sixteen plants were obtained, of which twelve were identified as hybrids and were kept alive, the same as the variety Jibeck. In hybrids, various degrees of domination of morphological traits of domestic prune were observed. Traits of black apricot were manifested weakly in seven hybrids and in the other five and in the variety Jibeck more perfect, semi dominant. In latter the effect of double set of genes was manifested, which was brought into the zygote by unreduced microspores of the black apricot. Some important properties of unmodified status, such as resistance to abiotic and biotic environmental factors, growth inhibition, yielding capacity, earliness, and high quality of fruit, were combined in these hybrids. The obtained hybrids are very interesting from the viewpoint of selection and breeding of new varieties of domestic prune, obtaining tetraploid and hybrid varieties of black apricot, and breeding and selection of individuals of ordinary apricot with some valuable traits of domestic prune.

Bilance a formy zinku v půdě a jeho vstup do rostlinŠárka Poláková, Miroslav FloriánActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(1), 59-70|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654010059

In this paper, zinc flows in arable soils of the Czech Republic and zinc fractions in arable soils are studied. Furthermore, a zinc uptake by agricultural plants is focused.
Based on a database of the programme The basal soil monitoring system (BSMS) a static zinc balance for arable soils on the national level was assessed. This programme is carried out by The Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (CISTA) in Brno. As a representative for the zinc balance calculation, 121 monitoring plots were chosen. The Czech Republic net zinc fluxes ranged from -1250 g.ha-1.y-1 to +5595 g.ha-1.y-1, median +453 g.ha-1.y-1. The maximum zinc fluxes are typical of plots with manure applications. An atmospheric deposition is the most important input of zinc into arable soils. It makes 96,6% of the whole inputs. Leaching and run-off are neglected in this zinc balance by reason of missing credible data.
The project Examination of zinc availability in dependence on its form in soil was established to provide more information about behavior of zinc in soil. The first step was starting a greenhouse pot experiment, which was focused on comparison of several extraction agents (AR, 2M HNO3, 0.43M HNO3, Mehlich III, DTPA, CAT, 1M NH4NO3, 0.01M CaCl2). Four soils with increasing zinc content were picked out for this experiment (Domanínek, Chrlice, Kutná Hora, Hlízov). Total zinc contents in these selected soils ranged from 156.8 to 583.7 ppm in dry matter (Aqua regia extraction). Contents in plants were in wide range from 20.7 to 273 ppm in dry matter according to the plant variety and used soil. Strong correlations between 0.43M HNO3, Mehlich III, DTPA and CAT were proved. Using of weaker extraction agents enabled to distinguish geogenic and anthropogenic origin of the contamination.

MYOPATIE JATEČNÝCH KUŘATIvo Ingr, Radomír Božek, Miroslav JůzlActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(5), 49-56|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654050049

High-powered means of slaughter chickens production cause on certain individuals abnormal biochemical development of postmortal changes in their muscles. It consequently lead to interferences of sensory quality of the chicken meat. So called myopathies of the chicken breast meat occur in the low extent. It is typical variation in dark colouring of breast muscle.
Veterinary supervision confiscates chickens embodying myopathy by reason of sensorical unacceptable dark muscle colour. Deepness of colour is evaluated by adspection of veterinary supervisors. It is tendency leading to find out objective parameters for evaluating this sensual chicken meat colour variation. Incidence of the chickens with myopathy has been evaluating for 3 years in big poultry slaughter, therewithal high-quality chickens and chickens with perspicuous myopathy have been taking out of slaughter-line.
Electric conductivity values and pH values were measuring during 60 till 330 minutes post mortem in breast muscles. Aproximately 9 millions chicken was annually slaughtered and 13 thousands of them was confiscated out of the slaughter line by reason of myopathy. It amounts to 0.14 per cent of annually count of processed chickens. Myopatical chickens had significantly higher muscle pH values as compared with healthy ones. Healthy chicken muscles decreased on ultimative pH values aproximately past 3 hours post mortem. It means pH 6.03, and after 300 minutes decreased to pH 5.82. However, myopatical chickens values varied from pH 6.46 to pH 6.30.
Concurrently measured values of electric conductivity significantly corellated with pH values.
Whereto, it's predication of similarity chicken myopathies and dark, firm, dry (DFD) pork or turkey meat. Beyond unacceptable dark meat colour have disadvantage in poor post mortem acidifying of the meat and in consequence of microbial proteolyse. Significantly correlation between pH and electric conductivity values foreshadows on identification of myopatical chicken meat by means of conductivity measuring.

VLIV SMĚSI ORGANICKÝCH KYSELIN A MIKROBIÁLNÍHO INOKULANTU NA FERMENTAČNÍ PROCES LABORATORNÍCH SILÁŽÍ Z MAČKANÉHO VLHKÉHO ZRNA KUKUŘICEVáclav Pyrochta, Petr Doležal, Jan DoležalActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 107-116|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040107

In the experiment, the effect of chemical (A) and biological (B) additiva on the fermentation quality of climper high moisture maize grain corn was examined, compared with the untreated control (K). The chemical means contained propionic, formic and benzoic acids and ammonium formate as effective substances. As effective substances of bacterial water-soluble inoculants, selected were bacterial strains of Propionibacterium shermanii JS and Lactobacillus casei LC-705. Both conservative preservatives were added equally to the ensilaged material. The addition of chemical additivum under conditions of our experiment increased statistically significantly (P

Vliv ošetření desikanty na kvalitu fenyklu obecného (Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare Mill.)Gabriela Růžičková, Blanka Kocourková, Jitka Sedláková, Jana HajšlováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 143-150|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050143

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare Mill.) is an perennial herb, it is cultivated for the essential oil in the fruits. The quality criteria are essential oil content, microbiological contamination and residua of pesticides. The important part of the cultivation technology is ununiform maturity of the fruits. The aim of this work was to find out the influence of the desiccants on quality and yield characteristics of fennel fruits produced in field conditions in the first years of growing. Three preparations were applied: glufosinate-NH4, 150 g.l-1 (2 l.ha-1), diquat dibromide, 200 g.l-1 (3 l.ha-1) and glyphosate-IPA, 480 g.l-1 (3 l.ha-1) in three repetitions. The non treated control variant was also repetited three times. The samples were analysed for quantitative and qualitative parameters: the fruit yield (t.ha-1), the essential oil content (%, V/m), the essential oil yield (kg.ha-1), the essential oil composition and the residua content.

Ověření účinnosti a působení vybraných dezinfekčních prostředkůKateřina Balharová, Květoslava ŠustováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(1), 157-164|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654010157

This research work is aimed to monitoring of selected disinfectants'activity in operational conditions. Hereby there have been monitored two acidic disinfectants Despon K and Mikasan D, which have had-by their producer-stated different recommended concentration. These solutions were monitored in viewpoint of their activity at different temperature, time of circulation, pH and water hardness. In this work there were measured pH of solutions in unloaded medium to be compared with pH of solutions in loaded medium and this measuring was carried out regularly each week within a one month period. During this period there was also monitored total plate count (TPC), which was stated in the dairy, where samples were taken two-times monthly. It has been found, that the disinfectants Mikasan D and Mikal 94D are effective even by high water hardness.

VLIV PŘÍDAVKU BAKTERIÁLNÍHO INOKULANTU NA FERMENTAČNÍ PROCES LABORATORNÍCH SILÁŽÍ Z POŠROTOVANÝCH OLISTĚNÝCH PALIC KUKUŘICEPetr Doležal, Dušan Kořínek, Jan Doležal, Václav PyrochtaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 33-42|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040033

In the experiment was the effect of biological additive on the fermentation quality of crushed maize ears of two hybrids by comparing with the untreated control. The bacterial inoculant "A" contained selected bacterial strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (NCIMB 30121) and Enterococcus faecium (NCIMB 30122). As effective substances of bacterial water-soluble inoculant "B" were selected bacterial strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (NCIMB 30121), Lactobacillus plantarum (DSM 12836), Lactobacillus brevis (DSM 12835), Lactobacillus buchneri (DSM 12856), Pediococcus acidialactici (P. pentosaceus) (DSM 12834). The addition of inoculant "A" in our experiment conditions increased statistically significantly (P

Délka mezidobí u prasnic plemene České bílé ušlechtilé a Česká landrase v závislosti na úrovni vlastní užitkovosti a pořadí vrhuMarie Čechová, Zdeněk TvrdoňActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(2), 15-22|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654020015

The dependence farrowing interval on litter parity, average daily gains, percentage of lean meat and backfat thickness was analysed in a set of 8 285 and 2 850 sows of Czech Large White and Czech Landrace breeds, respectively. The parameters under study were recorded in the Pig Breeders Association in Bohemia and Moravia. The highest farrowing interval (174.39 days) was found out in sows classified into the group with the lowest average daily gains (< 470 g). The farrowing interval slightly decreased with the increasing growth intensity. No explicit relationship between the farrowing interval and the intensity of growth was found out in sows of the CL breed. No dependence of farrowing interval of individual groups of sows on the percentage of lean meat was found out in sows of the CLW breed; however, there was a statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) difference between groups with lean meat shares of 54.1-55.9% and 58.0-59.9. With the exception of the group with the lowest share of lean meat (< 54%), the farrowing interval decreased in dependence on the LM % in sows of the CL breed. In sows of the CLW breed, there was a tendency to increasing farrowing interval with the increasing values of BT. The only exception was the group with BT below 8 mm in which the farrowing interval was 199 days. A similar trend was observed also in sows of the CL breed. The average farrowing interval decreased with the increasing parity rank in both breeds; in CLW sows this value decreased from 175.01 days (after the 1st parturiton) to 158.18 days (after the 7th and the following litters). A similar tendency (from 181.64 days after the 1st parturition to 161.64 days after the 7th and the following parturitions) was observed also in sows of the CL breed.

Vliv různých formem dusíkatých hnojiv aplikovaných na konci odnožování na výnos a kvalitu zrna pšenice oziméLadislav Ducsay, Pavel RyantActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(4), 43-50|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553040043

In the years 1999 to 2001 in conditions of small-plot field experiments was carried out on loamy degraded chernozems at the Plant Breeding Station of Sládkovičovo-Nový Dvor to solve the problems of topdressing winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.), variety Astella, with different forms of nitrogenous fertilizers. Nitrogenous fertilizers were applied at the growth phase of the 6th leaf (Zadoks = 29). Four various forms of fertilizers were exemined: urea solution, DAM-390, DAM-390 + Dumag, DASA. Different weather conditions statistically highly significantly influenced grain yield in respective experimental years. Topdressing with nitrogen (30 kg N.ha-1) caused statistically highly significant increase of grain yield in all fertilized variants ranging from +0.29 t.ha-1 (applied of DAM-390) to +0.69 t.ha-1 (applied of DASA) according to respective treatments. Average grain yield in unfertilized control variant represented 7.23 t.ha-1. Nitrogen nutrition showed positive effect on the main macroelements offtake (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) by winter wheat grain in all fertilized variants. Nitrogen fertilizing positively influenced formation of wet gluten and crude protein with highest increment in variant with DASA and variant with DAM-390 + Dumag.

VLIV ODSTUPŇOVANÉHO PŘÍDAVKU SUCHÉ PŘÍSADY NA KVALITU SILÁŽE LUPINYPetr Doležal, Josef Rotter, Jan Doležal, Václav Pyrochta, Jaroslav PoulActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2005, 53(5), 21-30|DOI:10.11118/actaun200553050021

In the experiment, the effect of additive on the fermentation quality of lupine was examined, by comparing with the untreated control. Fresh green Lupine (Lupines lupine), variete Juno, dry matter content 187.15 g/kg at full waxy stage of maturiy were chopped to the legth of cut ca 30-50 mm. The crop was artificially wilted for a periody 24 h and ensiled as described above. Lupine were ensiled for 98 days in laboratory silos, capacity about 4 L alone or with supplementation of feed additive (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 70 kg/tone forage respectively). The composition and as effective substances of this silage ingredient were dry whey (30%), maize meal (40%) and dry molases (30%). The silages fermented rapidly and changes in volatile fatty acids (VFA) production (P

Masná užitkovost holštýnských telat poražených v živé hmotnosti 300 kgGustav Chládek, Daniel FaltaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2006, 54(4), 13-20|DOI:10.11118/actaun200654040013

The aim of this work was to quantify basic feedlot performance and carcass value characteristics of Holstein bulls slaughtered as "young cattle" at 300 kg of live weight. The observation was carried out in a group of 12 Holstein bulls fattened in identical conditions and fed on a diet consisting of ad libitum amount of crushed grain (barley and wheat) and a limited amount of protein concentrate.
The mean overall values were as follows: age and live weight at slaughter 275.9 days and 299.3 kg, daily weight gain and net weight gain since birth 0.962 kg and 0.527 kg, dressing percentage 48.3%, weight of cold right carcass half 71.0 kg, weight of bones 17.5 kg, weight of muscle 53.0 kg and separable fat 0.54 kg. The mean weight of hide was 21.6 kg. The great majority of calves were classified as O2, one calf graded R2. The forequarter to hindquarter ratio was 1.4 with mean weights 29.1 kg and 41.9 kg. The mean weight of neck was 3.9 kg, chuck 3.6 kg, shoulder 5.9 kg, fore shank 3.4 kg, loin 4.1 kg, filet 1.5 kg, round 18.2 kg and hind shank 1.3 kg. We found highly significant (P

Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)
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