The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (2024)

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (1)

Last year, we came across this story about someone listing an old CARTA bus for sale on Craigslist. Which got us thinking: What other weird and wonderful things are out there waiting for a new home in Charleston? So we armed ourselves with lots of coffee and jumped head-first into the rabbit hole to see what awaited us. Spoiler alert: It was a lot of weirdness. So we’re back for round two this year to see what other wacky things we could find, and we definitely weren’t disappointed.

Warning: sh*t's about to get weird.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (2)

Who knew Charleston was the home of Liberace’s biggest fan? (Or former biggest fan, since they’re selling this on Craigslist).

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (3)

Perhaps a pirate’s life isn’t for him after all.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (4)

This is like the old adage “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” come to life. The poster of this ad invites you to email if you have any questions. Our main question is “what the heck does somebody need a bunch of broken pieces of concrete for?” But hey, at least it’s free!

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (5)

We’re not art snobs by any means, but this Thor piece looks like it was produced by a printer that needs its toner replaced. We also like that they specify that the frame is the expensive part, so maybe they’re throwing in the Thor artwork for free? We’ll never know, as this poster also didn’t include the price of any of the items.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (6)

If you want to create a mini version ofThe Recovery Room in your man cave, you definitely need this mini fridge.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (7)

Remember how Jafar had that terrifying hypnotizing snake cane in Aladdin? This elephant head walking cane is definitely your first step to being a well-dressed Disney villain... except it admittedly looks more like Mr. Burns than a pachyderm.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (8)

Honestly, we’re more impressed that we didn’t find someone posting about *real* urine on Craigslist. Please don’t take that as a challenge.

*This post has been deleted.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (9)

Because who wouldn’t want a vintage, droopy-eyed clown staring down at them from the ceiling light fixture?

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (10)

I can’t help but think of the beginning of Tom Sawyer when Tom convinces all of his friends to paint the fence because he didn’t want to deal with it. The person behind this ad is convincing everyone that horse manure is good for them, so he doesn’t have to clean it all up. Pretty ingenious, actually.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (11)

Ok, so we’re not saying that this couch is coming from the horse manure guy, but we’re also not not saying that.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (12)

Was I the only one whose grandmother bought her a bunch of Beanie Babies claiming they were “an investment in the future. You can use them to pay for college!” And now here they are, on sale for $3 each on Craigslist. Maybe don’t take financial advice from Nana after all?

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (13)

I love that the manufacturer was trying to appeal to every target market with their “laugh with / at him” tagline.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (14)

No. Nope. No way. You know what they say: “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s definitely going to murder you in your sleep.”

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (15)

Honestly, I can think of worse ways to spend $20 than on a rusty gumball machine you can install in your backyard. Just think of all the 10s of cents you’ll make when friends come over to purchase gumballs from you -- it practically pays for itself!

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (16)

Perfect for... honestly, I have no idea how these would come in handy unless you’re trying to pretend you opened up a time capsule from 10 years ago.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (17)

The world’s grossest couches

Yes, technically this person is giving them away for free, but the very fact that they think someone will want these torn-up bug nests covered in spray paint (BTW, I think they're missing some pieces?) even for free is beyond me. The best part: the poster demands you “must take both.”*

*These are shockingly somehow STILL available. Get on it (but wear a hazmat suit).

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (18)

A gas mask for your underground bunker in preparation for a Trump presidency

Get ready for the inevitable nuclear winter brought on by Donald Trump having access to our launch codes with this vintage gas mask.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (19)

This neon Budweiser sign

It’s in excellent condition, which means we’re guessing his wife is making him get rid of it. But hey, one man’s trash is another man’s man cave focal point!

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (20)

Homing pigeons

What on earth would someone need homing pigeons for? According to the poster of the ad, for “weddings and funerals.” Which tells us we have NOT been going to the right kinds of weddings and funerals.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (21)

A bunch of matchbooks

You know, those things bars & restaurants give out... for free. Only this person wants you to pay $25. Coincidentally the same price as those homing pigeons. Which do you think your money would be better spent on?*

*This post no longer exists.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (22)

Nightmare fuel, aka clowns

Honestly, I clicked out of this ad the second I saw the clowns so I have no idea what they’re actually advertising. But if I had to guess, “clown dolls to haunt your nightmares forever”?*

*This post has been deleted.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (23)

A majestic bronze life-size horse statue

You didn't spend your tax refund yet, did you? If not, drop $800 on this life-size bronze sculpture of a horse. No brainer, really.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (24)

A non-functional vending machine

The poster says the “dollars [sic] machine not working and I don't have the keys for it,” aka you can’t actually stock it with soda. And even if you somehow manage to get it open, you can’t use the dollar bill collector to get it to vend. So basically you’re paying for a really inefficient soda cooler.*

*This post has expired.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (25)

Your very own hot dog business

Upside: unlimited hot dogs. Downside: you have to move to Myrtle Beach. Oh, and also it costs $10,500.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (26)

This amazing birdhouse for birds that are also hipster foodies

The poster of this ad claims this birdhouse is versatile and can go “anywhere you could put artistic rooster sculpture [sic]." So you know the possibilities are endless.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (27)

A parking meter

Tired of fighting for parking in front of your historic house? Buy this puppy and put it out on the street. At least you can make a few bucks when you end up having to park three blocks away. As a bonus, you might be able to collect enough quarters to pay for a new mirror when some tourist inevitably sideswipes your car.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (28)

Dr. Who mini-fridge

For all you beer nerds who are also nerd nerds. Sure it only fits six cans, but look how cool it is!

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (29)

An old tractor

You don’t have to be a farmer to appreciate how cool this antique tractor is. But if you don’t want to buy it (and you can't anymore), maybe you can photoshoot it onto your Tinder or dating profile! Just a thought.*

*This post has been deleted.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (30)

A doll that’s most definitely haunted

No. Nope. No way. I’ve seen Annabelle.
Note to the poster: the orange emoji does NOT make this doll seem more innocuous. Look at those eyes. OMG they want to eat your soul!*

*This post now ceases to exist.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (31)

Star Trek: The Original Series on VHS

All 79 glorious episodes of the show that launched the careers of William Shatner, George Takei, and the late, great, Leonard Nimoy... on VHS. Good luck playing them in that VCR you don't have.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (32)

A bunch of old Playboy magazines

Just don’t ask why the pages are all sticky.*

*This post has been deleted. They were either sold or the poster simply couldn't part with their dirty memories.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (33)

Cool old phones

Snoopy phone? Yes, please! Although, unless you have a landline, you won’t get much use out of these bad boys.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (34)

This amazing cooler-stereo combo

OK, this is something I'd actually buy. Imagine how cool (pun intended) you’d look with this at The Washout on Folly Beach as you roll up with your ice-filled Coleman for a day of fun under the sun. It almost makes up for the fact that it would have to be filled with soda, since there’s no alcohol allowed on the beach. Sigh.*

*This post has been deleted.**
**I didn't buy it. I swear

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Sydney Gallimore is a writer from Charleston, SC whose last Craigslist purchase was a set of plastic Wii guitars for Guitar Hero. See what other shenanigans she gets into @Sydney_inc.

The Weirdest, Most WTF Things on Craigslist in Charleston (2024)


What is Charleston, SC most known for? ›

Charleston is well-known for being one of the cities where the war began. If you want to find out about the dark history of slavery in the region, visit the Old Slave Mart Museum, which occupies what was once a slave auction gallery. Open: Monday–Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday from noon to 5 pm.

What are some fun facts about Charleston for kids? ›

Charleston was the fourth largest city in colonial America, and the wealthiest! Charleston boasts the first public college, museum, and playhouse in the U.S. The first golf club in America was established in Charleston in 1787. North America's longest cable-stayed bridge, the Arthur Ravenel Jr.

Why is Charleston important? ›

Charleston was the seat of the provincial congress in 1775 that created the state of South Carolina, and it was named the state capital the following year. In the American Revolution the city was held by the British from 1780 to 1782. It ceased to be the state capital in 1790, when the legislature moved to Columbia.

What represents Charleston, SC? ›

The story of the pineapple leads back to Charleston in its early colonial days when it was a prominent port city. Because the fruit represented the exotic lands captains sailed to, it became a symbol in and of itself of places far away.

What is the male to female ratio in Charleston SC? ›

The Charleston County, South Carolina Gender Ratio is 94 men to 100 women (94:100) or 0.94. Charleston County, South Carolina's gender ratio is lower than the South Carolina State average of 95 men to 100 women (95:100) or 0.95.

What is the nickname for Charleston SC? ›

While Charleston SC has several nicknames, perhaps it's most well known as The Holy City.

How old is the Charleston jail? ›

The Old Jail building served as the Charleston County Jail from its construction in 1802 until 1939. In 1680, as the city of Charleston was being laid out, a four-acre square of land was set aside at this location for public use.

Is Charleston the oldest city? ›

Some cities in the US are so old they were founded by settlers before the Revolutionary War. The oldest US city founded by settlers is St. Augustine, Florida. In the 1600s, Newport, Rhode Island, and Charleston, South Carolina, were founded.

What made the Charleston so popular? ›

The rhythm was popularized in mainstream dance music in the United States by a 1923 tune called "The Charleston" by composer/pianist James P. Johnson, which originated in the Broadway show Runnin' Wild and became one of the most popular hits of the decade.

What did Charleston SC used to be called? ›

It is the oldest and largest city in South Carolina. present location on Oyster Point in 1680. Established as Charles Town in honor of King Charles II of England, Charleston adopted its present name in 1783 and is the principal city in the Charleston–North Charleston–Summerville Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Why is Charleston, SC so wealthy? ›

Charleston became more prosperous in the plantation dominated economy of the post-Revolutionary years. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 revolutionized this crop's production, and it quickly became South Carolina's major export. Cotton plantations relied heavily on the forced labor of enslaved Africans.

What was invented in Charleston SC? ›

🥤 Simmons + Rundell | Charleston, SC

These two inventors are credited with creating soda water in 1810 when they were granted a patent for imitation mineral water. Thanks to them, we now have soft drinks + soda fountains.

What does a pineapple mean in the south? ›

The pineapple is recognized as a traditional expression of “welcome” throughout the South and in areas along the Eastern Seaboard. Appearing on all sorts of décor – from door knockers to quilts – the fruit symbolizes those intangible assets we appreciate in a home: warmth, welcome, friendship and hospitality.

What is a fun fact about Charleston? ›

Charleston was home to the first golf game, first theater (the Dock Street Theatre), first public library, and the first museum (The Charleston Museum) in America.

What does the pineapple mean in South Carolina? ›

In the beginning the fruit was a sense of pride for the Captains and their families and were served fresh at "coming home parties" hosted by the Captains and their families. From there it became a symbol of "Southern Hospitality" in the Charleston community.

Why is the Charleston so popular? ›

The rhythm was popularized in mainstream dance music in the United States by a 1923 tune called "The Charleston" by composer/pianist James P. Johnson, which originated in the Broadway show Runnin' Wild and became one of the most popular hits of the decade.

What is so interesting about the Charleston? ›

Charleston boasts the first public college, museum and playhouse in the United States. 2.) George Gershwin composed his well known opera Porgy and Bess while living on Folly Beach, South Carolina. Porgy and Bess are buried in the James Island Presbyterian Church graveyard.

Why does everyone love Charleston? ›

With Charleston, S.C. topping our readers' choice list of best cities in the U.S. (four years running), we decided to look into what makes a great city. It's an abundance of top restaurants, easy day trips to beautiful beaches, and a slower, graceful way of living.

Why is Charleston SC so wealthy? ›

Charleston became more prosperous in the plantation dominated economy of the post-Revolutionary years. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793 revolutionized this crop's production, and it quickly became South Carolina's major export. Cotton plantations relied heavily on the forced labor of enslaved Africans.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.