= Watashi ni wa ookisugiru yo.
= These are too big for me.
Hi everyone!
This year I will be updating and releasing improved versions of my mini-lessons.
Today will be the first those: the lesson on how to use~すぎる( = sugiru)!
the verb:過ぎる=すぎる= sugiru = to pass by, to go beyond
By attaching an adverb / verb or noun, you can express something is too ~ , overly ~, to be ~ excessively
Note: Thoughすぎる( = sugiru) has kanji,過ぎる, I will use hiragana in this lesson so that it will be easier to read.
A lot of writers / official writing tend to use hiragana as well.
★adjective +すぎる( = sugiru)
:ii: How to form:
Ex.大きい=おおきい= ookii
1) deleteい( = i):大き=おおき= ooki
2) addすぎる( = sugiru)
→大きすぎる=おおきすぎる= ooki sugiru
* よい( = yoi) /いい( = ii) good
→よすぎる( = yosugiru) too good
*濃い = こい( = koi) dark, strong (tea/coffee/alcohol )
→濃すぎる = こすぎる( = kosugiru)too dark/too strong
Ex.静かな=しずかな= shizukana = quiet
→静か=しずか= shizuka
1) addすぎる( = sugiru)
→静かすぎる=しずかすぎる= shizuka sugiru = too quite
⭐past tense: +すぎた( = sugita) /すぎました( = sugimashita)
If you want to say “Something is too ~ for someone” you say
someone +には( = niwa) (for someone) + ~すぎる( = sugiru) /すぎます( = sugimasu) too ~
:pinkcandy2: From the picture above:
= Watashi ni wa ookisugiru yo.
= These are too big for me.
= Kono hon wa watashi niwa muzukashisugita.
= This book was too difficult for me.
= Kono fuku wa, watashi niwa kawaisugiru.
= These clothes are way too cute for me.
= Kokono raamen wa imouto niwa oosugita mitai da.
= It seems like the ramen dishes in this place are too big for my little sister.
When you modify a noun.
= Haha niwa hade sugiru sukaato.
= The skirt which is too flashy for my mother.
When it is obvious who you are talking about or general speech, you omit a pronoun +には( = niwa)
= Ji ga chiisasugiru no de motto ookiku shite hoshii.
= The texts are too small so I want them to be bigger.
= Kono kuchibeni wa, akasugiru.
= The lipstick is too red (for me).
= Heya ga kitana sugiru kara katazukeyou kana.
= I guess I have to clean up my room because it is too messy.
= Seikaku ga komakasugiru to sutoresu ga tamariyasui.
= If you are too meticulous, you’ll get stressed out easily.
= Kaminoke ga nagasugiru kara chotto kittara?
= Your hair is getting too long. Why don’t you get your hair cut?
You can useすぎる( = sugiru) in a positive way, too.
It adds the meaning of “very” “extremely”.
= Wah, sugosugiru!
= Wow! This is GREAT!
= Ichinen ni nikai mo pari ni ikeru nannte urayamashisugiru!
= I can’t believe you get to go to Paris twice a year!I’m so jealous!
= Kare wa kakoyosugiru.
= He is way too cute/cool !
★verb +すぎる( = sugiru): to do something too much, excessively, to overdo something
:ii: How to form:
*作る=つくる= tsukuru = to make
1) make a masu form
→作ります=つくります= tsukurimasu
2) deleteます(= masu) and make a masu-stem
→作り=つくり= tsukuri
3) addすぎる ( = sugiru)
→作りすぎる=つくりすぎる= tsukuri sugiru = to make something too much
⭐past tense: +すぎた( = sugita) /すぎました( = sugimashita)
= Kukii wo tsukuri sugita.
= I made too many cookies.
= Kanojo to no tsukiai ga nagaku narisugita.
= I have been going out with her too long.
= Kinou wa nomisugite atama ga itai.
= I have a headache because I drank too much yesterday.
= Shio wo iresugita.
= I put in too much salt.
= Keigo wo tsukai sugiru to yosoyososhiku kikoeru kamo shirenai.
= If you use too much polite language, you may sound too aloof.
= Sukoshi, iisugimashita.
= I was way out of line. [Literally: I said a little too much.]
Note:すぎる= sugiru = is to do something too much and少し( = sukoshi) means a little but
you actually use them together.少し~すぎた= sukoshi ~ sugita. = did something a little too much.
* verbない/無い( = nai ) nonexistent (There is no ~ )/ not to have ~
When you don’ have something/there isn’t something in an extreme level, you say
なさすぎる( = nasasugiru) : too little/too few ~
= Yaru ki ga nai
= not to be motivated
= Yaruki ga nasasugiru.
= not feeling like doing at all / not to be very motivated
= Shiken no chokuzen nanoni yaruki ga nasasugiru.
= Although it’s right before the exam, I lack motivation.
*意気地がない( = ikuji ga nai) to have no guts
→意気地がなさすぎる( = ikuji ga nasa sugiru) to have too little guts
= Kanojo ni suki dato ienai nannte ikuji ga nasasugiru yo.
= You can’t tell her how you feel about her? You are coward! (←You don’t have the guts.)
* adjective negative form
i-adjective negative form(〜く)ない= (~ ku) nai/ na-adjective (では・じゃ)ない= ( dewa・ja) nai
Change ない( = nai)to →なさすぎる( = nasa sugiru) addingさ( = sa)
= Kono eiga wa omoshiro sugiru
= This movie is too good.
If the movie is too boring, you can say
→ Ex.この映画は面白くなさすぎる。
= Kono eiga wa omoshiroku nasasugiru.
= This movie is too boring.
Now this next part may confusing, but don’t feel bad. Many native speakers also get confused. !sleepy!
Affirmative adjectives which end withない( = nai)
1) Some adjectives endwith ない ( = nai)and expressthe existence ofwhat comes before. →(There is no ~)
changeない( = nai) →なさすぎる( = nasasugiru)
*もったいない( = mottainai) wasteful
(Original meaning of勿体 = もったい= mottai isdignity, what things should be)
→もったいなさすぎる ( = mottai nasasugiru) too wasteful, too good
= Kanojo wa boku niwa mottai nasasugiru.
= She is too good for me.
*だらしない( = darashi nai) sloppy
(←Originallyだらしがない( = darashi ga nai))
→だらしなさすぎる( = darashi nasasugiru) too sloppy
*頼りない( = tayori nai) unreliable, undependable
(←Originally頼りがない= tayori ga nai)
→頼りなさすぎる( = tayori (ga) nasasugiru) too unreliable, too undependable
= Kare wa tayori nasasugiru.
= He is too undependable.
2) Some adjectives end withない( = nai) but they are notnegative form.They simply end with ない ( = nai)
changeない( = nai) →なすぎる( = nasugiru)
*少ない=すくない= sukunai = a little, a few
→ 少なすぎる=すくなすぎる= sukuna sugiru = too little / too few / not enough
*汚い=きたない= kitanai = dirty
→汚すぎる=きたなすぎる= kitanasugiru = too dirty
= Heya ga kitana sugiru.
= The room is too dirty/ messy.
*危ない=あぶない= abunai = dangerous
→危なすぎる=あぶなすぎる= abunasugiru
= Hitori de kodomo wo kaimononi dasu nante mada abuna sugiru.
= Sending a child shopping by themselves is still too dangerous.
*つまらない( = tsumaranai) boring
(originally the verb詰まる=つまる= tsumaru)
= tsumaranasugiru
= Too boring
* verb negative form:
* Vない( = nai) →Vなすぎる( = na sugiru) or * Vなさすぎる( = nasa sugiru) )
This ない ( = nai) an auxiliary verb
Basically you change Vない( = nai) to Vなすぎる( = na sugiru).
However Vなさすぎる( = nasasugiru) is getting more acceptable in daily conversation.
*知らない=しらない( = shiranai) not to know
→知らなすぎる=しらなすぎる( = shiranasugiru)
△知らなさすぎる =しらなさすぎる( = shiranasa sugiru)
= Oya wa kodomo no koto wo shiranasugiru.
= Parents know too little about their children.
*言わなすぎる= iwana sugiru
△言わなさすぎる= iwanasa sugiru
= Musume wa, jibun no koto wo iwana sugiru.
= My daughter doesn’t talk much about herself.
*聞かなすぎる= kikana sugiru
△聞かなさすぎる= kikanasa sugiru
= Seito wa sensei no iu koto wo kikanasugiru.
= The students don’t pay enough attention to what the teacher is saying.
Though you are supposed to say Vなすぎる ( = na sugiru) , the following short verbs may sound more common or natural with さ( = sa) in conversation.It could be because it is easier to pronounce that way.
*しない ( = shinai) not to do
しなすぎる( = shinasugiru)
しなさすぎる(= shinasasugiru)not to do something in an extreme way
= Musuko wa benkyou wo shinasasugiru.
= It is horrible that my son doesn’t study at all.
*見ない=みない( = minai) not to see, look
見なすぎる=みなすぎる( = minasugiru)
見なさすぎる=みなさすぎる( = minasasgiru ) not to see/look in an extreme way
*来ない=こない( = konai) not to come
来なすぎる=こなすぎる= konasugiru
来なさすぎる=こなさすぎる= konasasugiru= not to come in an extreme way
★ noun +すぎる
It is not so common as adjectives or verbs but you can useすぎる( = sugiru) with a noun when the noun represents certain quality.
= Itte iru koto ga kodomo sugiriru yo.
= You sound too childish.
(You can also say子供っぽい= kodomoppoi = childish →子供っぽすぎる= kodomoppo sugiru)
= Musume no gakkou no fukei wa, mina, okanemochi sugiru.
= The parents in my daughter’s school are all way too rich.
= Kare wa, ii hito sugiru.
= He is way too nice.
The translation doesn’t have a word “a person” butいい( = ii) modifies a noun人( = hito) andすぎるmodifiesいい人( = ii hito) a nice person.
= tenshi sugiru utagoe
= angelic singing voice
Note: 天使( = tenshi) means “angel”. “too angel” doesn’t make a sense but it is used when you describe someone/something is extremely lovely
If someone usesすぎる( = sugiru), you can guess what kind of image they have.
For example,
= bijin sugiru seijika
= way too beautiful as a politician.
The writer/speaker thinks the politician and being beautiful somehow don’t match.
You can’t just use this form with any noun.
For example
Ex.犬すぎる ( = inu sugiriru = too much dog???)
just doesn’t make any sense.
* a noun form:~すぎる( = sugiru) to do something too much
→~すぎ( = sugi) doing something too much
* 高すぎる= takasugiru = too expensive
→高すぎ= takasugi
= Kono seetaa wa takasugiru.
= This sweater is too expensive.
= Kono seetaa wa takasugi da.
= This sweateris too expensive.
*すごすぎる= sugosugiru = super great
→すごすぎ= sugosugi
= Kare no uta wa sugosugiru.
= His song is great./ His songs are great.
→彼の歌、すごすぎ!(more conversational)
= Kare no uta, sugosugi!
=His song is great./ His songs are great.
*かわいすぎる= kawaisugiru
→かわいすぎ= kawaisugi
= Kawai sugi!
= Too cute!
*行きすぎる= ikisugiru
→いきすぎ= ikisugi orゆきすぎ= yukisugi
= Uchi no gakkou no kisoku wa ikisugi dato omou.
= I think my school’s regulations go too far.
Ex. A:「彼はもう私のことなんか好きじゃないのかも。」
= Kare wa watashi no koto nanka sukijanai no kamo.
=I think he doesn’t like me anymore.
= Kangae sugi dayo.
=You are thinking way too much.
Ex. C:「働きすぎると体に悪いよ。」
= Hataraki sugiru to karada ni warui yo.
=It is not good for your health if you work too much.
= Shinpai shisugijanai?
=You worry too much.
マギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Watashi no ashi ga chiisasugiru no ka, kurokkusu ga ooki sugiru no ka docchi dato omou?
= Do you think my feet are too small or these crocks are too big?
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