Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

Inquiring Camera Girl Tribune will pay Kenneth Henricks, 9, Logan for each question submitted Square- -I don't know exactly by a reader and used by The God but Tribune. Today's question was He's not a submitted by Mrs. G. J. Urqu- man.

Adam hart, South Bend, was the smartest man in the THE QUESTION world once beWho do you think is the cause. he was smartest one in the world? the first one but now I WHERE ASKED think the Natural History museum. smartest man THE ANSWERS would be the Eileen Tabor, 9, Cicero- strongest. So the smartest man There isn't anyone who is the is called Rewop. That's power smartest.

spelled There is no- Barry body I can Garfield think of who is living now who is the smartest in the world. God is the smartest in the world but other than God there are a lot of smart people who are good at some things but no one knows everything. realize you Douglas Laing, 8, Orland the surface Park, -I'd say the President Herbert of the United Indianapolis, States -Eisenhower. He gets around and he learns things he might hear from someone else. He's traveled all over the world and he gets to know things.

He would have had to go to school to get to be President. Berkowitz, 14, West Park- The smartest person in the world is one who realizes just how stupid he really is. The more you know the more you realize the less you know. The more you read the more 3 you are just scratching of the subject. Neidenberger, 10, think a person who is a good sport about things and can take a joke is the smartest in the world.

They are able to laugh at themselves and everybody likes them and does things for them. They are good losers. OBITUARIES RIES Henry S. MacKay Jr. Balboa, July 5 (P)- Henry S.

MacKay 62, attorney and executive in several Hearst newspaper organizations, died today of a heart attack. He was a vice president and director Hearst Publications company; vice president and general counsel of Hearst Consolidated Publications, vice president of the Heart corporation, and coexecutor of the estate of the late publisher, William Randolph Hearst. MacKay is survived by his widow and a son, Sandy. Miss Clara Alschuler Graveside services for Miss Clara Alschuler, 96, sister of the late Samuel Alschuler, federal District judge, will be held at 3 p. m.

today at Spring Lake cemetery, Aurora. She died yesterday in a rest home in Batavia. Miss Alschuler was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Alschuler, pioneer Chicago residents.

She leaves a brother, Benjamin, and two nephews, Jacob and Samuel. Adolph Ulrich Services for Adolph Ulrich, 47, of 5212 School who died Sunday in Norwegian American hospital, will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday in the chapel at 3517 N. Pulaski rd.

Mr. Ulrich was underwriting manager of the Chicago Motor club, with which he had been associated for 18 years. He leaves his widow, Florence; a daughter, Gail; a son, Richard, and three brothers. Mrs. Signe Schoenke Mrs.

Signe Schoenke, 62, mother of Russell Schoenke, Waukegan 2d ward alderman and Democratic leader, died yesterday in her son's home at 504 Powell Waukegan. She was the widow of Julius Schoenke, Waukegan city fireman. She also leaves two brothers. Services will be held at 3:30 p. m.

Thursday in the First Baptist church, Waukegan. Dr. Thomas F. Dillon Dr. Thomas F.

Dillon, 55, of 4804 Cermak Cicero, a dentist 28 years at that address, died yesterday en route to an Elgin hospital from his summer home at Crystal lake. Dr. Dillon leaves brother, Dr. E. L.

Dillon, and a a sister, Violet. Services will be held at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow in Mary Queen of Heaven church, Cicero. 5 POLICE CARS AID IN CAPTURE OF AUTO THIEF Five police cars took part in a 10 minute chase at speeds up to 70 miles an hour yesterday in the capture of an automobile thief.

The chase ended when the stolen auto crashed into a parked car. at 18th st. and Normal av. Policemen Dan Collins and James Sheehan seized McKinley Powell, 20, of 1130 S. Albany as he was attempting to flee on foot.

The policemen first noticed Powell at 14th st. and Union av. when he drove the car thru a red light. The automobile, owned by Grant Gee, 3139 Fulton had been stolen day night. RITES MARK END OF 3-DAY HOLIDAY Weather Lures Crowds to Parks, Beaches Patriotic ceremonies, parades, and fireworks displays -accompanied by perfect weather -brought the long Independence Day week-end 1 to a close yesterday.

Thruout Chicago and suburbs there were events commemorating the 178th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Thousands crowded beaches, picnic areas, golf courses, and zoos as the weather added to enjoyment of the day. Robert Bean, director of Brookfield Zoo, reported the largest crowd in about 10 years, estimating it at between 45,000 and 50,000 persons. More than 250,000 persons visited the park district beaches along the lake. Joseph Mansfield, beachmaster at North said the water was 67 degrees, the warmest of the year.

Mansfield said there was comparatively few fireworks on the beach in contrast to preceding years. Police reported that parks along the lake front were jammed, but that the holiday was observed quietly. No Traffic Tie-ups Altho thousands abandoned the city for recreation: spots and week-end trips, expected traffic jams failed to materialize at a late hour last night. Lt. Harold Leeds of the sherif's police, who flew over the Chicago area in a plane equipped with a two-way radio, said traffic actually was heavier Sunday night.

The Chicago Motor club, which also sent observers up in a plane to guide motorists thru periodical broadcasts over station W-G-N, also said traffic was not as heavy as expected. Cars halted by traffic lights occasionally were backed up a block or two, but were able to continue on two changes of the lights. Traffic was said to be quite light between 8 and 9 p. when bottlenecks traditionally occur. One Fireworks Death (Picture on back page) One person in the Chicago area was fatally injured by fireworks.

She was Carol Hayward, 12, of 2828 Lexington Pottawatomie Hills, Hazelcrest. She died in Ingalls Memorial hospital, Harvey, Saturday after she was struck by a skyrocket during a display in a park at 149th st. and Ashland Harvey. At least 12 persons were injured in 1 other fireworks accidents. One is John Owczarek, 50, of 3141 N.

Drake operator of a tavern at 3517 Belmont av. He sustained a leg injury when a firecracker exploded at his side early yesterday. Peter Cielak, 34, of 4425 S. Christiana a tavern owner, and Elmer Bossard, 51, of 4441 S. Kedzie a machine operator were arrested Saturday and charged with disorderly conduct and illegally discharging fireworks.

They were released on $35 bond each. Cielak will appear in Englewood court today and Bossard on Friday. TORSO KILLERS TO SKIPTHEIR DAY IN SOLITARY Every year since they were sentenced in August, 1935, to 180 year terms in the women's reformatory at Dwight, Mrs. Blanche Dunkel, 63, and Mrs. Evelyn Smith, 65, have been placed in solitary confinement July 6, the anniversary of their crime, on orders of Judge Cornelius J.

Harrington. Today they will not be placed in solitary, the classification board at the reformatory decided yesterday, said Michael E. Burns, acting assistant superintendent. Atty. Gen.

Latham Castle has that solitary confinement on the anniversary date was a matter of discretion by the reformatory superintendent. The women were convicted of slaying Ervin Lang, a grocery clerk and son-in-law of Mrs. Dunkel, July 6, 1935. Mrs. Smith strangled Lang, and later his body was dismembered and dumped in Lake county, swamps.

REP. SHAFER'S WIFE IS DEAD IN MICHIGAN Battle Creek, July 5 Paul W. Shafer, 57, wife of the Michigan Republican congressman, died in the Leila Post Montgomery hospital here today. She had been ill for several months and entered the hospital when her condition became critical last week. Mrs.

Shafer had been her husband's co-worker thruout his terms in Congress. The Shafers had been married 37 years and had no children. HOLIDAY AUTO DEATHS BELOW PREDICTIONS Traffic accidents over the three day holiday week-end i in the Chicago area or involving Chicago residents rose to 11 yesterday, A nation-wide survey by Associated Press showed 313 traffic deaths, altho the National Safety council predicted that 430 persons would be killed. Congratulations Due Ned H. Dearborn, president of the safety council, said late in the day that congratulations Chicago's 1954 Traffic Toll 14,451 180 12,000 800 DEAR DO 700 300 apparently were due the nation's drivers for an outstanding holiday safety record.

Arvid Detienne, 17, of 2618 W. 32d Zion, a junior in Zion-Benton High school, was injured fatally yesterday when his motorcycle collided with another driven by his brother, David, 23, on state route 173 two miles west of Zion. Lake county Deputies Albert Weinberger and Carl Schmidt said David, who was traveling ahead, pulled left to pass a car but swerved back and slowed to avoid an approaching: auto, and Arvid's motorcycle crashed into his. The approaching car, driven by Mrs. Helen Voss, 1722 Maple Racine, went into a ditch to avoid the crash.

Arvid's cycle continued on and crashed into it. Mrs. Voss was not injured. Injuries Kill Woman Mrs. Ann Folin, 73, of 85th av.

and route 83, Palos township, died in Little Company of Mary hospital last night of injuries suffered Wednesday when she was struck by an auto as she was crossing route 83 near her home. The car was driven by the Rev. Howard Doherty, 47, pastor of St. Benedict's church, 2339 York Blue Island. James Adamczyk, 13, of 4849 S.

Keeler and Robert Warzynski, 13, of 5349 S. Natchez were injured critically last night when the bicycle on which they were riding was struck by a light green auto in 47th west of Tripp av. A witness told police the driver sped away without stopping. The injured bicyclists were taken to Southtown hospital. Up to midnight Sunday night, 284 persons had been killed in auto accidents in Cook county since Jan.

1. Of these, 180 were killed in Chicago, where 14,451 were injured in the same period. Pharmacy Clerk Robbed of $900 and $650 Ring Benjamin Levinson, 5959 Kenmore clerk in the pharmacy at 3501 N. Pulaski told police two men held him up and escaped with $900 and a diamond ring valued at $650 yesterday. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.

LAIN SON Funeral Information SOUTH CHAPEL 316 W. 63D-ST. PHONE: WEntworth 6-0025 TUESDAY ODENHEIMER-Frank J. 10 a. m.

at chapel WEDNESDAY 10 a. at chapel GRAFF-Frank M. 9:30 a. m. in church NORTH CHAPEL 5501 ASHLAND-AV.

PHONE: LOngbeach 1-2646 TUESDAY McCURDY-Eva 1 p. m. in church 9 a. m. VIDAL- Charles A.

10 a. m. at chapel WARD- -Dalphine 3 p. m. at chapel WEDNESDAY GWIN-Charles C.

At chapel 'tIl 10 p. m. OLSEN -Nellie 2 p. m. at chapel SOUTHWEST CHAPEL W.

95TH-ST. PHONE: BEverly 8-2182 TUESDAY BURNET-Cora Mason 8 p.m. at chapel HENDRICKSON-Edward 10 a. m. at chapel NIX- James 10 a.

m. in church Frederick L. 11 a. m. at chapel Marshall B.

3 p. m. at chapel WEDNESDAY SCHOLTES-Frank J. 3 p. m.

at chapel SOUTHEAST CHAPEL 2024 E. 75TH-ST. PHONE: FAirfax 4-7177 WEDNESDAY -John P. 11 a.m. at chapel SERVICES TO BE ARRANGED COLE-Ila L.

LAIN SON Piser MEMORIAL CHAPELS NORTH SOUTH NORTHWEST WEST CHICAGO C. H. JORDAN CO. 100 YEARS Funeral Directors Chicago and Suburbs 221 E. a SUperior 7-7709 -CEMETERIESACACIA bargain, PARK-Four $225.

grave Harley lot, L. choice Conlin, loca208 E. Watseka. Ill. IN MEMORIAM BOUGHNER -Don Boughner, July In loving memory, of our dear "husband and father.

AND DAUGHTER. 1953. STEINMAN In memory Bernard of our Steinman, dearly July beloved 6. husband and daddy. Our hearts still ache with loneliness, Our eyes shed many a tear.

God only knows how much we miss you At the end of this first year. EMMA AND EILEENE. -ANNOUNCEMENTSMEMORIALS to the Heart Fund are tax de ductible. They help heart research. They are very greatly appreciated.

Also bequests. 69 Address W. Chicago Heart Association, Chicago 'DEATH NOTICES ALLEN-James E. Allen, beloved husband of Estelle, nee Kostanski; dear father of James Mrs. Elleen Kropp, and Therese, dear son of Jeanette Fillmore, brother of George W.

Allen, father-in-law of Bernadine Allen and Henry Kropp, nephew of Myrtle Shank, grandfather of Kathy Kropp. Funeral Wednesday at 11 a. from chapel, 2322-24 W. Harrison street. Interment Mount Olive.

SEeley 3-3223. ANDERSON-Elizabeth Ulrich Anderson, beloved wife of Edward P. Anderson, loving mother of Edward P. Anderson fond sister of Herman F. Ulrich, dear grandmother of three.

Funeral Thursday, July 8, 2:30 p. at funeral home, 1359 Devon avenue at Glenwood. Interment Memorial Park. ROgers Park 4-1617. ATKEISSON-Mattie Atkeisson, fond wife the late Dr.

J. E. H. Atkeisson, mother of Charles E. and Evelyn A.

Koester, sister of Mrs. Florence Harrstad and Louis Petrie. At funeral home, 3918 W. Irving Park road. Service Wednesday, 1 p.

m. Interment Forest Home cemetery. BAER-Dorothy Jane Baer, nee Gelsbush, beloved wife of Sam loving mother of Gerald and Donald, daughter of Mrs. Nellie Geisbush, sister of Albert and Mrs. Leona Sands.

Funeral Wednesday, 10 a. m. mortuary, 1000-1010 E. 79th street, at Ellis avenue. Interment Rosehill cemetery.

BARTELS-Walter H. Bartels, 3442 N. Nagle avenue, beloved husband of Ella, fond father of Richard and Collette, brother of William, George and Ruth. Service 2 p. m.

Wednesday at funeral home, 6910 Windsor avenue, Berwyn. Interment Mount Auburn. Member of Berwyn lodge, No. 839, A. F.

A. M. BERMAN-Rebecca Berman of 2158 W. Chicago avenue, beloved wife of the late Abraham Harry, devoted mother of Sophie Aglewich, Rose, and Joseph, six grandchildren, fond sister of Henry Feinman and Pearl of Leeds, England, Funeral Tuesday, July 6, at 2 p. m.

at chapel, W. Division street. Interment P. O. W.

cemetery. BLACK-James R. Black in Dallas, son of James R. and Donna D. Black, brother of Dorothy Donna and Frank B.

Black. Friends may call Tuesday after 1:30 p. m. at chapel, 523 Lake street, Oak Park, where services will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p. m.

Interment Forest Home. BLAND -Leonard Bland of Los Angeles, formerly of Chicago, beloved husband of Olga, dear father of Herman and Sheldon Roger, devoted son of the late Herman and Lottie, fond brother of Harold. Funeral notice later. BLOOM-Anna Bloom, Hollywood, July 5, 1954, loving wife of the late Morris, devoted mother of Ethel Goldberg, David, Sam, Jack Bloom, and the late Lena. Funeral Wednesday, 2 p.

at chapel, 3021 W. Lawrence. Interment Westlawn. BOWES-Donna Bonniwell Bowes of 474 Sheridan road, Evanston, July 3, 1954, beloved wife of Frederick M. Bowes, mother of Franklin B.

Bowes, grandmother of Elizabeth E. and Frederick M. Bowes II, sister of Mrs. Frederick P. Fries.

Resting at chapel, 1567 Maple avenue, Evanston. Service 11 a. m. Tuesday at chapel of First Congregational church, Evanston. Interment Rosehill cemetery.

BRAESEKE-Edna Braeseke, 1401 S. 12th avenue, Maywood, daughter of John and Tillie Braeseke, sister of John F. and Fred M. Braeseke, Ada G. Clark, Florence Du Mez, and Mercedes Nusperle.

Services at chapel, 134 S. York street, Elmhurst, Tuesday at 3 p. m. Cremation private, Oakridge. Elmhurst 18.

-Sophie C. Brinkmann. nee Petersen, dearly beloved wife of August fond mother of August W. Erwin and Helen mother-in-law of Marcella and Dorothy, sister of the late John and Edward, grandmother of Barbara, Christine, Erwin Allan, and Joyce. Resting at funeral home, 4138 W.

North avenue. Serv1ces at 2 p. m. Wednesday, July 7. Interment Woodlawn cemetery, Information, BElmont 5-6812.

BRYG-John Bryg, beloved husband of the late Josephine, dear RE father of Bernice Duncan, Edward, and Mildred, father-inlaw of George Duncan and Frances, grandfather of Edward John Jr. and Beverly. Funeral Friday, 9:30 a. from chapel, 3601-05 W. Diversey, to St.

John Cantius church. Interment St. Adalbert's. Albany 2-6424. BURNET--Cora Mason Burnet of 10737 S.

Hoyne avenue, July 4, 1954, beloved wife of Warren A. Burnet, fond mother of Ruth Burnet Cuttle, grandmother of four. At chapel, 2121 W. 95th street, where services will be held Tuesday, July 6, at 8 p. m.

Interment St. Louis, Mo. BUSER-Minnie P. Buser, 7643 W. 65th street, Bedford Park.

dear wife of the late Charles, loving mother of Mrs. Everett C. Larsen, fond sister of Rose Schmidt and Praline Schaefer. At funeral home, 7306 W. Archer avenue, Summit west of after p.

m. Tuesday. Services Wednesday, 2 p. m. Interment Irving Park cemetery, Information, Summit 208.

CALEY-Harry G. Caley, at Grand Marais, devoted husband of Ann Bush Caley, loving father of Margaret Jane Murphy, fond brother of William Sidney R. of Rice Lake, and Jessie Welke of Mellette, S. Dak. Services Wednesday, 2 p.

at chapel, 2121 W. 95th street. Interment local cemetery. Remains at chapel after 6 p. m.

Monday. CAPONI-Charles A. Capont late of Winter Haven, and 1139 N. Lawler avenue, beloved father of Mrs. Lucille Zicker, and the late Cyrus, son of the late Nicholas and Lucy Caponigri, brother of Mrs.

Mae Tammars, Albert, the late Julla, Susan Conway, William Jerome, Laura Zaucha, Clara, and Dr. A. Robert of South Bend, Ind. Funeral Wednesday, July 7, 9:30 a. from funeral home, 5350 W.

North avenue, to Our Lady Help of Christians church. Mass 10 a. Interment Mount Carmel. TUxedo 9-8844. CAPONIGRI-See Charles A.

Caponi notice. CARBONE-Salvatore Carbone, late of 30 S. St. Lodis avenue, beloved husband of Jerusha, nee Mahoney; fond father of Myrtle and Rose Lenzi, brother of Josephine Cosentino, grandfather of Beverly. Services at chapel, 2809 Harrison street, Wednesday at 8 p.

m. Burial Fairlawn cemetery, Decatur, on Thursday. Please omit flowers. CARLSON- John Alrick Carlson, beloved husband of Anna Carlson, fond father of Carl V. Carlson, grandfather of Judy and Pattie, brother of Ebba, Ingeborg, Bernard and Robert and Carl of Denmark, uncle of Clifford.

Resting at funeral home, 6938 W. North avenue. Services Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. Interment Woodlawn.

MErrimac 7-4441. CARLSON-Melvin L. Carlson, beloved husband of Margaret, nee Wernicke: dear son of George and Signe Carlson, fond brother of Arvie. Funeral Wednesday, 11 a. at funeral home, 1136 W.

87th street. Interment St. Mary's. Member of L. O.

0. M. South Highland lodge, No. 920. RAdcliff 3-1100.

CASE-Frank H. Case, beloved husband of Lillian, loving father of Mrs. Mildred Morgan, devoted brother of Mrs. Florence Freedlund of Bloomington, and Earl M. of Florida, Resting at chapel, 851 E.

75th street. Services Wednesday, July 7, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Cedar Park. Member of Olympia lodge, No.

864, A. F. A. and Aaron chapter, No. 627, 0.

E. S. CATALANO-Cruciano Catalano, late 2247 W. Grand avenue, loving husband of Leonarda, dear father of Mary Azara, Josephine fa*giano, Christine Mroz, Leonore, Angeline, Anthony, Christ, and Tom, survived by seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild, brother of Frank, Gaetano, the late Leo and Angelo, Funeral Wednesday, 9 a. from chapel, 624 N.

Western avenue, to Holy Rosary church. Interment St. Joseph's. ARmitage 6-7800. CERNY-Anton Cerny, late of 1939 S.

59th court, Cicero, beloved nusband of Josephine, nee Zajicek; dear father of Miles Cerny and Adeline Vondrak. father-in-law of Pearl Cerny and Joseph Vondrak, grandfather of Thomas Cerny and Lynn Vondrak. Funeral Thursday, at 10 8. at chapel, 6507 W. Cermak road, to Bohemian National cemetery.

GUnderson 4-6310. CHAR-Sophie Char, nee Bernstein, of 628 Sheridan road, beloved mother of Marian Meserow, devoted grandmother of Nancy and Howard, fond sister of Clara, Elizabeth Rosenblate, the late Rae Lipsky, Bertha Lipski, Sam, Michael, and Joseph. Services Wednesday, 3 p. at chapel, 5206 Broadway. Interment Westlawn.

Please omit flowers. CHEJLAVA-Frank Chejlava of 2721 S. Hamlin avenue, beloved husband of Frances, fond father of Joseph Hale, Rose Danda, and Vlasta Conrad, brother of Joseph, John, James, and Rose Cerveny. Funeral Wednesday, July 7, at 10 a. m.

from chapel, 2611 S. Lawndale avenue, to Bohemian National cemetery. LAwndale 1-8030. CHRISTENSON Hannah C. Christenson, age 92, July 4, 1954, late of 1705 W.

Jonquil terrace, dear sister of Jennie the late Olive J. Christenson and Catherine A. Burklund. Funeral Wednesday, 3 p. at chapel, 5149 N.

Ashland avenue at Foster. Interment Graceland. LOngbeach 1-5147. CICERO-Susan Cicero, age 11, late of Villa Park, loving daughter of Joseph and Lucille, nee Grosso, dear sister of Lois Mae, Elizabeth, Noel, Michael and Mark. Funeral Wednesday, 8:30 a.

from chapel, 5120 W. Fullerton avenue, to St. Alexander's church, Villa Park, Ill. Interment Mount Carmel. In lieu of flowers send donations to Mount Sinai Medical Research Foundation.

ARmitage 6-7800. COLE-Ila Lawrence Cole, 7000 South Shore drive, beloved wife of Dr. Alvin V. Cole, loving mother of Lawrence R. Cole, sister of Helen Riddle.

At chapel, 2024 E. 75th street at Jeffery blvd. Services and Interment Park Hill cemetery, BloomIngton, Ill. FAirfax 4-7177. CONDIC-John G.

Condic of 3112 S. Wells street, beloved brother of Michael, Peter, and Anne La Scola. Funeral Wednesday, 9 a. from funeral home, 712 W. 31st street, to St.

Jerome's church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. VIctory 2-1158. COONEY-See Lyons notice.

DAILEY-Sarah M. Dailey, beloved sister of the late Michael and Charles Dalley, and None E. Sharp, fond aunt of Raymond Snell, Grace Pirie, Gerald, and the late George Dailey. Resting at Vaughn's chapel, Ottumwa, Ia. DERBY-Harold K.

Derby, dearly beloved husband of Rose Marie, fond son of Martha Jane and the late Henry brother of Letty Parsell, Martha Hudson, Harriette, and Marian. Resting at funeral home, 4138 W. North avenue. Services 3 p. m.

Tuesday, July 6. Interment Mount Olive cemetery. Member of Portage Park lodge, No. 220, I L. 0.

0. M. Information, BElmont 5-6812. DILLON-Dr. Thomas F.

Dillon, D. D. suddenly, of 4804 W. Cermak road. fond brother of Violet Dillon and Dr.

E. L. Dillon of Kansas City, Mo. Services Wednesday, 9:45 a. from funeral home, 2307 S.

Laramie avenue, to Mary Queen of Heaven church. Mass 10:30 8. m. Funeral Friday. 8:30 a.

from Herr funeral home, 501 Main street, Collinsville, to SS. Peter and Paul church. Mass 9 a. m. Interment SS.

Peter and Paul cemetery. Collinsville. Ill. OLympic 2-0200 or BIshop 2-1799. DUENSING-Herman H.

Duensing of Chicago, beloved husband of Blanche, fond father of Sharon Lee, dear son of Martha and the late Frederick, brother of Florence Berg, Mildred Rohifing, Viola Clausing. Thelma Krolczyk, Sylvia Hiller, and the late Arthur. Services Wednesday, 3 p. at funeral home, Lake street at 2d avenue, Maywood. Interment Forest Home.

Fillmore 3-0014. ERZEN-See Mazur notice. FLANIGAN-James Michael Flanigan, loving husband of Ann, fond father of John Bernard and the late Margaret Mary, brother of Mrs. Cecilia James. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 a.

from mortuary, 1000-1010 East 79th street at Ellis avenue, to St. Francis de Paula church. Mass at 10 a. m. Burial St.

Mary's. FLEMING-Clara Fleming, nee Seehafer, July 4, 1954, beloved wife of Lawrence, dear mother of John Butler daughter of Paul and the late Olga Seehafer, sister of Irma Brischke and Norman Seehafer. Funeral July 7, at 1 p. from funeral home, 2056-58 Belmont avenue, to St. Lucas' cemetery.

-Kate Flinkow, nee Pross, beloved wife of John Flinkow, fond mother of Emily Albertz, Fred Koenig, Raymond, William John, and the late Walter Flinkow, sister of Marie Ongemach, and Mina Miles. Funeral service Thursday, 1:30 p. at chapel, 5652 S. Ashland avenue. Interment Waldhelm cemetery.

REpublic 7-0077. FRANKLIN-Ann 'Franklin, nee Rosenthal, of 1633 Lunt avenue, beloved wife of Harry fond mother of Dr. Leonard Franklin, dear sister of Hyman W. Rosenthal, two grandchildren. Services Tuesday at 2 p.

m. at chapel, 3021 Lawrence avenue. Interment Westlawn cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to Nathan Goldblatt Society for Cancer Research. GALLAGHER Alice P.

Gallagher, beloved wife of the late Joseph, fond aunt of Mrs. Genevieve Pichocki. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., from funeral home, 4152 Sheridan road, at Buena, to St. Mary of the Lake church, mass 10 a. m.

Interment All Saints'. BIttersweet 8-1536. GAST-Charles W. Gast, 4619 W. 21st street, Cicero, beloved husband of Anna, nee Hackendahl; fond father of Elmyra Vey, Carl, Ruth Nikola, Fred and Edwin, grandfather of nine, brother of Olga Mohr, Clara Rogers and Emma Schuh.

Resting at funeral home, 2307 S. Laramie, Cicero, where services will be held Tuesday, 2 p. m. Interment Acacia Park. Member of Cicero lodge, No.

955, A. F. A. M. BIshop 2-1799, OLympic 2-0200.

GOLDFINGER Aaron Goldfinger of 5200 Sheridan road, beloved husband of the late Mitzle, devoted father of Alyce Cooper, Gertrude Swidler, and Paul Hochberg, loving grandfather of five and greatgrandfather of two, fond brother of the late Leopold, Max, Gisella, Henry, and Anna, dear uncle of Sylvan, Gertrude Brown, Adele Rose, and Charlotte Kohn. Services Tuesday, 10 a. at chapel, 5206 Broadway. Interment Chicago Covenant Aid society, Waldheim. Family at Brown's, 1046 Balmoral avenue.

GRAFF-Frank M. Graff of 7321 S. Morgan street, July 3, 1954, beloved husband of Edna Hattie Graft, fond father of Mrs. Adeline Hassel and Frank grandfather of 10, great-grandfather of one, brother of Marcella Dunn. Funeral from chapel, 316 W.

63d street, at Harvard avenue, Wednesday, July 7, at 9 a. to Sacred Heart church. Interment St. Mary's. GRANT-Catherine A.

Grant, nee White, of 2073 Farwell avenue, formerly of 401 Melrose street, beloved wife of the late William fond mother of W. Raymond, J. Victor, Lillian, Mrs. James Connolly, Mrs. Harold De Ford, and Mrs.

Daniel Buckley, sister of Elizabeth White. Funeral Thursday, July 8, 9:15 e. m. from funeral home, 1359 Devon avenue at Glenwood, to Our Lady of Mount Carmel church. Mass 10 a.

m. Interment All Saint's cemetery. Please omit flowers. ROgers Park 4-1617. GROSSO-See Susan Cicero notice.

GUNDERSON -Ella Helen Gunderson, late of 324 W. Willow street, beloved mother of Norman fond sister of Elizabeth A. Moore of Otsego, Gertrude Sullivan, and Harriet Donnellan, dear grandmother of Norman E. Jr. and Michael John Gunderson.

Services Wednesday, 2 p. at chapel, 2701 N. Clark street. Interment Rosehill. GUNN-Lena M.

Gunn of 1320 Birchwood avenue, July 5, 1954, beloved wife of the late James E. Gunn, devoted mother of Mrs. George B. Deacon. At chapel, 5501 N.

Ashland avenue, where services will be held Wednesday, July 7, at 10 a. m. Interment Memorial Park. GWIN-Charles C. Gwin, July 2, 1954, at Tigard, formerly of N.

Kenmore, beloved husband of Bernice, nee McGinnis; dear brother of Harold, Willard, Russell, Dean, Everett, Virginia, Georgia Bown, Flora Lloyd, Louise Bell, Mary O'Brien and the late Anita Cherry. At chapel, 5501 N. Ashland avenue, Wednesday, July, 7, from 2 p. m. until 10 p.

m. Services Thursday, July 8, at Hines funeral home, Carlinville, Ill. HAILA-Christ H. Halla, beloved husband of Bessie, nee Baton; fond father of Tech. Sgt.

Christ Jr. and Richard, father-in-law of Pauline and Joan, brother of. Nick, Henry, and John. Funeral at chapel, 3337-3339 W. North avenue, Wednesday, July 7, at 2 p.

to Bohemian National cemetery. HALE-See Frank Chejlava notice. HEDA-Frances Heda of 652 N. May street, beloved mother of Barney, Leo, Anna Dresmal, Gussie Pope, Marjorie Harrast. Betty Firotta, and Helen Malek.

Funeral services Wednesday, July 7, at 9:30 a. from chapel, 1331-35 W. Chicago avenue. to St. John Cantius church for mass 10 a.

m. Interment St. Adalbert's. MOnroe 6-4643. HEENEY-Paul E.

Heeney, devoted husband of Josephine O'Leary Heeney, beloved father of Julia Rita, Joseph and Paul A. Heeney, C. P. son of the late John and Mary Haffay Heeney, fond brother of Agnes Flynn, Elizabeth, the late John the Rev. Michael J.

and Edward P. Heeney. Funeral Wednesday at 9:30 a. from his funeral home, 2104 W. 95th street, to Christ the King church.

Mass at 10 a. m. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. BEverly 8-5500.

HEIMER-Marie Helmer, nee Mueller, beloved wife of the late Joseph, fond mother of Hilda Poez, Charles Joseph, and Rose Marie Crandall. Funeral Thursday, July 8, at 9 from funeral home, 2157 Irving Park road, to St. Benedict's church. Funeral mass at 9:30 a. m.

Interment St. Joseph's cemetery. HERBSTER-George Herbster July 3, beloved husband of Jo, father of the late Harley, brother of Beth Schelder, Carrie Brand, Elsie Roll, Gertrude Kratochvill Helen Gebhardt, Wilbur, and Ernest, the late Frank, Minnie Robert. Graveside services at Ridgewood cemetery, Tuesday, July 6, 3 p. m.

RAvenswood 8-2139. HILDEBRANDT-William H. Hildebrandt, 1530 Walnut street, Des Plaines, beloved husband of Johanna, dear father of Edith Sellke, Arthur Marjorie Blum, Elaine Wodach, and William 13 grandchildren. Resting at funeral home, Lee at Perry street. Des Plaines.

In state at Immanuel Lutheran church, from noon Thursday, until time of service, at 2 p. m. Interment Ridgewood. HOEK-John P. Hoek, 5016 Blackstone avenue, July 5, 1954, beloved husband of Pearle L.

Hoek, stepfather of Alda Marie Helms, Jack S. and George G. Neal son of Alice Hoek, brother of Reka De Vries and E. S. Hoek.

At chapel, 2024 E. 75th street at Jeffery boulevard, where services will be held Wednesday, July 7, at 11 a. m. Interment Evansville, Ind. FAirfax 4-7177.

-Fred Holden, beloved husband of Ethel, loving father of Richard, Philip, and Thomas, devoted grandfather of seven. Resting at chapel, 851 E. 75th street. Services Thursday, July 8, at 1 p. m.

Interment Cedar Park. HORN-Ada S. Horn of 800 S. Halsted. July 4, 1954, mother of Mrs.

Russell W. Ballard, Dr. Will S. Horn of Fort Worth, Texas, Fred Horn of Tallahassee, Mrs. H.

R. Burt and Willa Frederic of New York City. Services and interment at Fort Worth, Tex. HORTON-William Fred Horton of 4571 Lake Park avenue, beloved husband of Gertrude, loving father of Angus, fond brother of Leonard and Clara of Hamilton, Ontario. Services Wednesday, July 7, at 2:30 p.

at chapel, 936 E. 47th street. Interment Mount Hope cemetery. JAKUBOWICZ Tillie Jakubowicz, nee Ocytko, July 3, 1954, beloved wife of Thomas, dear mother of Mae Brodacki, Lillian, William, and Edward, grandmother of seven. Funeral Wednesday, 9:30 a.

from funeral home, 5776 Lawrence avenue, to St. Constance's church. Interment St. Adalbert's cemetery. Member of Ladies' Rosary sodality, Kildare 5-3800.

JENKINS-Katherine May Jenkins, wife of the Rev. James Alexander Jenkins, mother of Paul Alexander Chicago, the Rev. James Alan Jenkins of Royal Oaks, and Mrs. Miriam Katherine Woodman of Birmingham, sister of Mrs. Gwendolyn Reese of Iowa City, grandmother of six.

Services Wednesday, 4 p. at chapel, 523 Lake street, Oak Park. Interment private. JOHNSON-Hans Johnson, July 4, of 2825 N. Linder avenue, beloved husband of Laura, nee Broton; dear father of Robert H.

and Edward three grandchildren, fond brother of Andrew, Inga, Jennie, Marie and Albert. Resting at funeral home, 3429 Fullerton avenue, until noon Wednesday. In state at United Evangelical Lutheran church, Ridgeland and Greenfield streets, Oak Park, from noon until time of service, 2 p. m. Interment Mount Olive.

JOHNSON-John C. Johnson, late of 5834. S. Morgan, beloved husband of Anna. Resting at chapel, 938-40 W.

69th street, where services will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. Interment Fairmount cemetery. HUdson 3-0123. Member of Modern Woodmen of America, camp No.

3998, and C. T. local division 308. KAPHENGST Richard L. Kaphengst of Salem, beloved husband of the late Christine, fond father of Mrs.

Erna Gittins, Mrs. Edna Feldkamp, Mrs. Irma Sheriff, Mrs. Dorothea Firchow, William, Elmer, and Richard Kaphengst, brother of Fred, Robert, and, August Kaphengst, grandfather of 13 and great-grandfather of five. Funeral 3 p.

m. S. T.J. Wednesday, July 7, at Strang funeral home. Antioch, Interment Salem Mound cemetery, Salem, Wis.

KARNER-Karl Karner, beloved husband of Rose, nee Fleck; dear father of Carl. father-In-law of Marie Scott Karner, fond brother of Elizabeth In Austria, Joseph and Mary Laschober. Remains at chapel, 7032 Wentworth, until noon Wednesday. Services Wednesday at 1 p. m.

at Immanuel Evan. church, 98th and Campbell. Interment Mount Greenwood. TRiangle 4-0478. Mrs.

James A. Jenkins Mrs. Katherine May Jenkins, -84, of 1106 Clinton Oak Park, died yesterday in Presbyterian hospital. She was the wife of the Rev. James A.

Jenkins, retired pastor of the Warren av. Congregational church and a former president of Chicago Theological college. Mrs. Jenkins also is survived by two sons, Paul and the Rev. James Alan Jenkins, and a daughter, Mrs.

Miriam K. Woodman. Services will be held at 4 p. m. tomorrow in the chapel at 523 Lake Oak Park.

William F. Wandel William F. Wandel, 83, died yesterday in his home at 317 Hickory Waukegan. He was a civic leader for many years and had lived in Waukegan since his family brought him there as an infant after they were burned out in the Chicago fire of 1871. He operated a book store for about 20 years and was treasurer of Waukegan township from 1893 to 1931.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Harvey Metzler. Services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the chapel at 408 N. Sheridan Waukegan.

Mrs. Charles R. Morrison Mrs. Laura Shaffer Morrison, 79, of 2700 Lincoln Evanston, wife of Charles R. Morrison, retired vice president of International Harvester company, died yesterday in Evanston hospital.

Mrs. Morrison also leaves three daughters, Mrs. Stewart M. McMaster, Mrs. Frances M.

Hobbs, and Mrs. Carol M. Eaton. Services will be held at 4 p. m.

tomorrow in the chapel at 1567 Maple Evanston. Max Weil Private services will be held in Los Angeles today for Max Weil, 59, of Beverly Hills, son-in-law of Louis H. Rose, retired director of circulation of THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE, and brother-in-law of Stanley Rose, manager of' circulation of THE TRIBUNE. Mr. Weil, a manufacturer of dinnerware, died Saturday in his Los Angeles office.

He also leaves his widow, Regina, and a daughter, Mrs. Susan Hesky. Harry G. Caley Services for Harry G. Caley, 64, retired automobile sales dealer, will be held at 2 p.

m. tomorrow in the chapel at 2123 W. 95th st. Mr. Caley died Saturday in Grand Marais, of a heart attack.

He resided at 9721 Winchester av. He leaves his widow, Anna a daughter, Mrs. Margaret J. Murphy, two brothers, and a sister. pital yesterday with a fracture of the right leg suffered in a tall at home.

Confesses Holdup Killing After 2 Pals Name Him Calvin Donelson, 27, formerly, of two 2105 companions Adams as by the slayer of Bernard Dornfest in a tavern holdup at 717 Milwaukee av. on April 13, confessed the crime yesterday, police said. Donelson was returned to Chicago Saturday from New Orleans, where he was arrested at the request of Chicago police. BREAKS LEG IN FALL Katherine Bis, 69, of 2658 S. Spaulding was taken to St.

Anne's hos- them. RASPER- -Georgiana Kasper, nee Kocka? of 2222 S. 61st avenue, Cicero, beloved wife of Joseph dear mother of George fond sister of Ottilie Slama and Marie Speak. Funeral Wednesday, 9 a. from chapel, Blessed 2658 S.

Central Park ave: nue, to Agnes church. Interment St. Adalbert's cemetery. LAwndale 1-3101. KEPPEL-Amelia E.

Keppel of 7350 Woodlawn avenue, beloved wife of the late Charles, fond mother of Clyde Keppel and the late Ireen Levy, sister of Marie Harrington, Ida Skepsted, Eleanor Blue, Caroline Gardner, Louise Dehn, and Lewis Kubicek. Resting at chapel, 7350 Cottage Grove avenue. Funeral Wednesday, July 7, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Mount Hope cemetery.

Services by Park Manor chapter, No. 598, 0. E. of which she was a past matron and secretary. KOEGEL Koegel, 1842 Robin Crest Glenview, beloved husband of the late Marion, dear father of Elizabeth Becker, Frank, Sister Alexia, Anna Brown, and the late John.

Resting in Lady chapel in Our Lady of Perpetual Help church, Grove and Church streets. Glenview, where mass will be offered Wednesday, 10 8. m. Interment St. Boniface's.

Please omit flowers. Information, ORchard 3-2012. KOPP-Antoinette Kopp, nee Williams, suddenly, of Clearwater, beloved wife of the late William mother of Lester R. and Irma Ray, sister of Florence Edwards, and the late Grace Doll, grandmother of June Heisman, Marice Savage, William Kopp and Robert Ray, greatgrandmother of Frances Helsman and Cheri Savage. Funeral Wednesday, July 7, 2 p.

at funeral home, 6227 W. Cermak road. Interment Oak Ridge. Member of Skokie Chapter, No. 1015, 0.

E. S. GUnderson 4-2050. KRAMER-Harry L. Kramer of 6559 S.

Halsted street, husband of Florence, fond father of Edward and Mrs. Shirley Stanek, brother of Charles, grandfather of Patricia, Cathleen, and Michael Kramer and Diane and Beverley Stanek. Services Thursday, 10 a. at funeral home, 2616 W. 38th street.

Interment Mount Greenwood. Please omit flowers. LAfayette 3-0980. KRAUSE-See Henry Paulsen notice. LAMMERS-Dorothea D.

Lammers of Wilmette, and Petersburg, July 4, 1954, wife of the late Frank J. Lammers, mother of Franklyn, sister of Edna D. Patitz, grandmother of Lynne Diane. At chapel, 5501 N. Ashland avenue, after 1 p.

m. Thursday. Funeral Friday, July 9, at 3 p. Interment Rosehill. LANTZ-Lillian K.

Lantz of 1212 Central street, Evanston, July 3, 1954, wife of Albert P. Lantz, mother of Mrs. Barbara L. Hecht of Sacramento, and Mrs. Walter L.

Costello of San Diego, sister of Mrs. James J. Scully of San Diego, Cal. Resting at chapel, 1567 Maple avenue, Evanston, where service will be held at 11 a. m.

Wednesday. LARSEN-See Minnie Buser notice. LARSON-Ida Marie Larson, late, of 7723 S. Constance avenue, beloved wife of the late Julius, dear mother of Mrs. William Lange, Harry and the late Roy grandmother of four, great-grandmother of three.

Resting at funeral home, 79th street and Phillips avenue. Services 1:30 p. m. Thursday. Interment Oak Hill cemetery.

SOuth Shore 8-6959. LAVELLE-Martin J. Lavelle of 8938 Justine street, beloved husband of Helen Naughton Lavelle, devoted father of Martin J. Richard Mrs. Helen Buckley, and the late Joseph Lavelle, brother of Katherine Hornsby and Agnes Walsh.

Funeral Thursday, July 8, 9 a. from funeral home, 1018-20 W. 79th street, to St. Ethelreda's church. Interment Holy Sepulchre.

Member of Fort Dearborn council, 4th degree, K. St. Ethelreda Holy Name society. LIVINGSTON- -William B. Livingston, formerly of Pine Lake, Pontiac, and Detroit, beloved husband Olive Healy Livingston, dear brother of Mrs.

Vera Aswege, Mrs. Mary Ramsey, Mrs. Helen Dunlop, Mrs. Marguerite Nielsen, Walter Livingston, and the late Mrs. Florence Patient.

Services Wednesday, July 7, at 11 a. at funeral home, 1359 Devon avenue, at Glenwood. Interment Calvary. Pontiac and Detroit, and Moline, papers, please copy. ROgers Park 4-1617.

LONGFIELD-Ralph Longfield, beloved husband of the late Hazel, loving father of Raymond, Warren, Elmer, Roy, and Henry, grandfather of four grandchildren. Resting, at funeral home, 6833-35 Grand avenue, until 12 noon Wednesday, July 7. Services 2 p. m. at Grace Lutheran church, 2700 N.

Harlem avenue. Interment Irving Park. MErrimac 7-8280. LIONS -Lauretta Cooney Lyons, beloved wife of James dear mother of James, Janet, Lauretta and Tommy, sister 01 Mrs. Harold Prendergast, Mrs.

Edward Jennings and Isabella Cooney. Funeral Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., from chapel, 5911 W. Madison street, to St. Luke's church, River Forest. Interment Mount Olivet.

EStebrook 8-7500 and EUclid 6-3720. MAGNER-Ada Jennings Magner of 7842 S. Bennett avenue, beloved wife of the late James A. Magner, fond mother of Josephine and James T. Magner, sister of Helen Jennings.

Funeral Wednesday, 9 R. from chapel, Jeffery boulevard at 77th street, to Our Lady of Peace church. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment Calvary.

SOuth Shore 8-8822. MALLERIS-Harry D. Malleris, born in Kerasitsa Tegeas, Greece, beloved brother of George of Chicago and Photios of Greece. Funeral Wednesday, from funeral home, 619 S. Ashland boulevard, to St.

Basil's church, 1 p. m. Burial Elmwood cemetery. MARRIOTT-Emma L. Marriott of Evanston, July 2, 1954, at San Antonio, aunt of Mrs.

Robert A. Guilford of San Antonio, and William M. Otto of New York City, great-aunt of Bob and Bill Gullford. Resting at chapel, 1567 Maple avenue, Evanston, after 7 p. Tuesday, where service will be held at 1 p.

m. Wednesday. Interment Rosehill cemetery. MAUS Rose B. Maus, Harvey, age 67, fond mother of Maryan E.

Burke, George E. Stewart, Doris R. Reichel, grandmother of five, sister of Ray Fortney, Elizabeth Tate, and Jane Heltman. Resting at chapel, 8208-10 S. Racine avenue, where service will be held Tuesday, July 6, 10 m.

Interment Chapel Hill Gardens South. TRiangle 4-8000. 5553 MAZUR-Anne S. Meade Mazur, avenue, nee beloved Erzen, late wife of Clarence dear sister of Olga, fond daughter of the late Frank and Anna Erzen, daughter-in-law of Anthony and Martha Mazur. Resting at funeral home, 1941 Cermak road.

Funeral Thursday, 9:30 a. to St. Stephen's church, 22d place and Wolcott. Interment Resurrection cemetery. VIrginia 7-6688.

McQUIRE-Charles Willard McGuire, formerly Glencoe, July 4, 1954, husband of Edith H. McGuire, father of Charles W. McGuire Jr. of Evanston and Mrs. Arthur E.

White Jr. of La Porte, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, brother of Mrs. Nellie E. Martin and Mrs. Estelle Bowser.

Resting at chapel, 1567 Maple avenue, Evanston, where servIce will be held 2:30 p. m. Wednesday. Burial private. MESS-Edward H.

Mess, Elgin, husband of Louise, father of Herman A. and Ella Cushing, brother of Adele Hoppenstaedt. Services Wednesday, 1:30 p. m. at chapel, 51 Center street, Elgin.

Burial Lake Street Memorial Park. MEYER-Ralph Meyer husband of 6705 Merrill avenue, beloved of the late Celia, dear father of Dorothy Brunner and Eveelyn, loving grandfather of Linda Smiler, Marilynn Feuer, Joyce Brunner, and four great-grandchildren, fond brother of Cert and Fannie Levy. Services Wednesday, 10 a. at chapel, 6935 Stony Island avenue. Interment B'nal Abraham Zion cemetery, Waldheim.

MORAN-Dr. John D. Moran, D. V. beloved husband of Lena, fond father of Richard and Jane Thornton, grandfather of John W.

Thornton, brother of Mary Meech and Olive Moran. Funeral services Thursday, 1:30 p. at chapel, 5911 W. Madison street, under the auspices of Union Park lodge, No. 610, A.

F. A. M. Interment Forest Home. EStebrook 8-7500.

-Laura Schaffer Morrison of 2700 Lincoln street, Evanston, July 5, 1954, wife of Charles R. Morrison, mother of Mrs. Marion M. McMaster, Miss Frances M. Hobbs, and Carol M.

Eaton, grandmother of Nora' Jayne Hobbs, Marcia, and Mary Eaton, sister of Miss Sallie Schaffer. Resting at chapel, 1567 Maple avenue, Evanston, where service will be held 4 p. m. Wednesday. Entombment Fairlawn cemetey, Decatur, Ill.

Please omit flowers. MUNK-Walter Munk, beloved husband of Irene, nee Lang; fond father of Nancy, dear brother of Emil, Herman, and Arthur. Resting at chapel, 3807 Lincoln avenue. Services Wednesday at 1:30 p. m.

Interment Memorial Park cemetery. MURPHY-Agnes Murphy, formerly of 7539 S. Calumet, beloved wife of the Bartholemew, fond mother of the late Edward, mother-in-law of Mabel. Funeral Thursday, 8:45 from funeral home, 5438 S. Halsted street, to St.

Dorothy's church. Interment Holy Sepulchre. BOulevard 8-0662. MUSCOLINO Mary Muscolino, nee Wolande, devoted wife of Orazio, dear mother of Alex, Joseph, and Leonard, loving sister of Anthony, Charles, Mrs. Josephine Pusteri, Mrs.

Christina Caltro, Mrs. Margaret Mistretta, Mrs. Anne Amendola, and Mrs. Emily Monaco, grandmother of five, beloved mother-in-law of Jean, nee Dalesandro; Josephine, nee Raymond, and Mary, nee Parziale. Funeral Thursday, 9 a.

from chapel, 813 W. Taylor street, to Our Lady of Pompell church. Interment Mount Carmel. MOnroe 6-0449. NELSON- Clarence A.

Nelson, beloved husband of the late Esther, loving father of Esther Bruchert, Clarence, Carl, Genevieve Fraunreder, Evelyn Russell, Ralph, June Cowden, and Florence Kowaiski, dear grandfather of 15. Services Wednesday, 1:30 p. at chapel. 4821 N. Damen avenue.

Interment Mount Emblem. OLSEN Olsen of 1225 W. Jarvis avenue, July 4, 1954, beloved wife of Arthur W. Olsen, loving mother of Robert daughter of Martina Andersen, sister of Ethel C. Cook.

Arthur A. 'Andersen, Mabel Patton, Burton R. Andersen, and Ruth Thoren. At chapel, 5501 N. Ashland avenue, where services will be held Wednesday, July 7, at 2 p.

m. Interment Mount Emblem. ORELUK- Alexandria Oreluk of 3053 S. Keeley street, beloved wife of Vincent, dear mother of Alice Felisian, Sophia Ivas, Helen Guzik, Vincent Frank and Estelle Ryband, sister of Frank and Joseph Buczko. Funeral Wednesday, 9:30 a.

from chapel, 1059 W. 32d street, to St. Mary's Perpetual Help church. Interment Resurrection. Information YArds 7-6424.

OTTO-Paul Otto of 635 Wing street. Arlington Heights, beloved husband of the late Ida, dear father of Alfred and Charlotte Wiggins, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild, Resting at funeral home, 111 W. Campbell street, Arlington Heights, where services will be held Wednesday, at 10:30 m. Interment Memory Gardens, Chirago Daily Tribune Tuesday, July 6, 1954 PAULSEN -Henry Paulsen, age 92 years. beloved husband of the late Anna, fond father of Olga Krause and the late Frank, dear grandfather of William F.

Krause, loving great-grandfather of Pat, Bobbie, and Ginny. Services Thursday, 1:30 p. at chapel, 3905-07 N. Lincoln ave enue. Interment Rosehill.

PAVESICK- Otto Pavesick of 3318 W. 66th street, beloved husband of Emma, fond father of Geraldine Setzke, Lorraine Brown and Otto grandfather of four brother of Peter and two Services! Wednesday, 1:30 p. at chapel, 5908 S. Kedzie avenue. Interment Evergreen.

GRovehill 6-0090. PETRETTI-See Ida T. Steinbach notice. RAIMAN-See Shaner notice. RHODES-Howard R.

Rhodes of 1444 W. Marquette road, beloved husband of Emily, nee Gier; fond father of Billy, Mary Ellen and Michael, dear son of William and Mildred, brother of Robert, Shirley Schau and Carol Rhodes. Funeral -Wednesday, 10 a. at chapel, 7133 S. Western avenue.

Interment St. Mary's. PRospect 6-0777. RICE--James P. Rice, late of 1464 W.

Hubbard street, beloved husband of Harriet, dear father Tom, George, James, John, Charles, and Genevieve Reidenbach, fond brother of the late Agnes Skelly, grandfather of 13 Funeral services Wednesday, July 7, at 2 p. m. at funeral home. 1339 W. Grand avenue.

Interment Mount Olive. HAymarket 1-6856. SCHOLTES-Frank J. Scholtes, 5534 S. Justine street, July 1954, beloved husband of Dorothy B.

Scholtes, fond father of Gerald and Donna, son of the late Joseph and Frances Scholtes, brother of Mrs. Mayme Walsek, Ann Gansolser, and the late James. At chapel, 2121 W. 95th street, where services will be held Wednes-: day, July 7, at 3 p. m.

Interment Mount Greenwood. SCOTT-See Karl Karner notice. SHANER-John J. Shaner of 1144 S. Harvey avenue, Oak Park, beloved husband of Gertrude fond father of Dorothy Raman and George T.

Keys, grandfather of Ruth Funk, Doris Swanson, Jean Bernhardt, June, Joyce, and Gilbert P. Tracy great-grandfather of 10, brother of Harry and Nancy Plantz. Services Wednesday, 2:30 p. at chapel, 124-26 Madison street, Oak Park. Interment Glen Oak.

Masonic services under the auspices of Pleiades lodge, No. 478, A. F. A. M.

Member division 308 and Elevated Craftsman's club. SICKEL-Rudolph L. Sickel, beloved husband of Olive, nee Foglestad; dear father of Ruth Christin and Robert, fond grandfather of five, brother of Mollie Proctor. Services Wednesday, 1 p. at chapel, 4920-24 Irving Park road.

Interment Mount Olive. Kildare 5-6220. SIEBEN-Agatha Sleben, nee Peth, July dearly beloved wife of Philip sister of John, and the late Anna, Margaret, Peter, Sister M. Gerina, and Mary Peth. Funeral Wednesday morning at 9:30 from funeral home, 6216 N.

Clark street. Services at St. Gregory church at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Boniface's cemetery.

SIRA-John Sira, beloved husband of Rose, nee Vikova; loving father of James, Betty Bosle, Rose Du Fraine, Mary Reich, Ann Holmes, Lillian Psyk and Hermena Fletcher, 11 grandchildren, two great-grand. children. Funeral Wednesday, July 7, at 9 a. from funeral home, 5128 W. 25th street, Cicero, to Mary Queen of Heaven church.

Interment Resurrection church. OLympic 2-0080 or OLympic 2-2005. SMITH-Catherine V. Clancy Smith of of of of of of of of 4924 Gladys avenue, beloved mother of Jeanne Delaney and Lols Kartheiser, grandmother of eight, dear sister of Margaret Bockelmann of Corona, and Rose Maloney. At chapel, 4817 Madison street.

Funeral Wednesday, 9:30 a. to Resurrection church. Mass at 10 a. m. Burial Mount Carmel cemetery.

AUstin 7-1137. SNYDER David Wilmer Snyder of Glen Ellyn, passed away as the result of an auto accident near Plymouth, survived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer. Snyder, and sister, Patricia.

Services at Glen Ellyn Methodist church, 2 p. Tuesday, Rev. Lester Springer in charge, Burial Chapel, Hill Gardens cemetery, STEINBACH-Ida T. Petretti Steinbach of 543 W. 61st place, beloved wife of Andrew B.

Steinbach, dear mother of Ruth Johnson, Andrew Betty J. Steed, fond sister of Fred Petretti, fond Patricia grandmother of Gregory Steinbach, Steed, and Wayne Johnson. Funeral Wednesday, 9:45 a. from funeral home, 79th at Loomis boulevard, to St. Bernard's church.

Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Information, TRiangle 4-1187. STEVENS-Marshall B. Stevens of 10723 California avenue. July 3, 1954, beloved father of Albert P.

Stevens and Mrs. Albert F. Thomason, grandfather of Gary and Paul Thomason. At chapel, 2121 W. 95th street.

where services will be held Tuesday, July 6, at 3 p. under auspices of Kenwood lodge. No. 800, A. F.

de A. M. Interment Evergreen. beloved SULLENS--Theresa wife Sullens, nee of Claude, sister of garet Boradajko, Lillian Kobrel, May Manning, Agnes Analourle, Albert, Tousey, and Barney Prange. Sefvices Thursday, 2 p.

at funeral home, 1458 Belmont avenue. Interment Irving Park. THOMAS-Eldin Thomas, fond father of Ray, Eldin brother of Darnell, Thelma Gross, and Violet Pape, beloved of Agnes. Services and interment Carbon, Ia. THOMPSON-Maud A.

Thompson, beloved mother of the late Roy, grandmother of Barbara, fond aunt of Helen Michaelson of Toronto, Canada, and Hilda Svetlik. Services at funeral home, 4332 Elston avenue, Wednesday, July 7, 2 p. m. Ins terment Irving Park cemetery. KEystone 9-6100.

VANCE-Margaret Fullenlove Vance, beloved. wife of the late Guy loving mother of Emily Vance Simpson, dear grandmother of Margaret Vance Simpson Vose, beloved great-grandmother of Margaret Vance and James Baldwin, Services 2 p. July 5, at chapel, 127-129 N. Northwest highway, Park Ridge. Charter member of the Park Ridge chapter, D.

A. R. Interment Towne of Maine cemetery. Information, TAlcott 3-2808. WARD-Mary A.

Ward, formerly of 6443 Peoria street, beloved wife of the late John L. Ward mother of John L. Jr. and Lawrence grandmother of nine, sister of Rose, Frank, Albert, Winifred, and Charles Golla of Butler, Pa. At chapel, 415 W.

63d street. Funeral Wednesday, 9 a. to St. Bernard's church, masa, 9:30 a. m.

Interment Holy Sepulchre, WEAVER--Marshall D. Weaver, July 3, of 586 Phillips avenue, Glen Ellyn, beloved husband of Merl father of Marion K. Algozin, brother of Kathryn Osborne, Member of Glen Ellyn lodge, No. 950, A. F.

A. M. In lieu of flowers, friends may contribute to the American Cancer society. Services Wednesday, 2 p. at chapel, 430 Main street, Glen Ellyn.

Interment private. WEIL-Max Well, beloved husband of Ref gina, nee Rose; fond father of Hesky. Services at Jaffe Memorial chapel, 939 W. Washington boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Interment Los Angeles.

-Minnie Williamson, nee Hintz, beloved wife of the late Edward and fond sister of William, and Anna late John, and Charles Hintz. Services at chapel, 3234 W. North avenue, Wednesday, July 7, at. 1:30 p. m.

Interment Mount Emblem cernetery. WINNER-William Winner of 528 Brompton place, beloved brother of Edna Wollner. Ida Poncher of Miami, Rae Trilling and Arthur Winner, both of Los Angeles, the late Jacob and Rose Riffkin, Services Tuesday, 2 p. at chapel, 5145 Broadway. Interment P.

O. W. cemetery, Waldhelm. WOOD William F. Wood, beloved husband of Ellen L.

Wood, dear father of Joann McClusky, Donna Rupp and Mary, fond son of Joan C. and the late Grant D. Wood, brother of Gertrude Nelson, grandfather of four. At funeral home, 412 N. Austin boulevard at Lake street.

Funeral Thurs day, at 9:45 a. to St. Mel's church, mass at 10:30 a. m. Interment St.

Mary's cemetery. COlumbus 1-3203. YATES-Cooper Yates, beloved husband of Elizabeth Yates, fond father of Mrs. Mary Cornelius. Funeral Wednesday at 10:30 a.

at funeral home, 3159 Jackson boulevard at Kedzie. Interment Mount Carmel cemetery, KEdzie 3-1617. ZUHN-Myrtle E. Zuhn, beloved wife of Marvin, devoted mother of Richard, dear sister of Mrs. Ruth Hallgren, Mrs.

Lillian Brebes, Florence, Bernard, Roy and Millard Ronberg, loving daughter of the late Peter and Mathilda Ronberg. Services Wednesday, July 7, 1 p. at funeral home, 1107 W. 79th street, Interment Oak Woods. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION OF THE TRIBUNE Order for mail subscription must be accompanted by remittance to cover.

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Article information

Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 5321

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.